Heart Of The Sea: Chapter 27 - Elizabeth

Jan 30, 2011 09:27

ZeldaQueen: This chapter was...tiring. Let's just leave it at that

Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...

Chapter 27: Elizabeth

Elizabeth’s Point of View

ZeldaQueen: Ah yes, Elizabeth. That character that the Suethor has been determinedly ignoring

I watched Jack and the young woman for many moments. They spoke to one another in low voices, but I noticed how tightly he held her against his chest, almost protectively, as if he were afraid that she would be ripped from him at any moment. It was clear that he was concerned, and he was looking at her pleadingly as he spoke. He then dipped his head and kissed her, and she returned the affection full force.

ZeldaQueen: You know, Gethesemane has absolutely no right to criticize Twilight. This is exactly what Stephenie Meyer does! No matter what’s going on, no matter whose point of view it is, and no matter what that person ought to be thinking of, all the attention is on is the Sue and every move she makes

I quickly looked away and found that Gibbs was next to me.

“Who’s that woman with Jack?” I asked.

“That’s his wife, Kate.”


ZeldaQueen: Yes, his wife. The lady he is married to. The woman he never shuts up about! I find it hard to believe Elizabeth hasn’t heard someone bring this up before.  Gethesemane, we all know that you want an excuse to repeat how you your avatar has a monopoly on Jack’s dick, and for Elizabeth to wangst over how jealous she is

Gibbs must have noticed my shock, for explained, “Kate and Jack have known each other for years. Their relationship was a bit rocky, but they’ve made it through all right.”

ZeldaQueen: If you ignore the first few chapters of this fic, her telling Jack to his face that he deserved the mutiny, him cheating on her with a hooker the night before their wedding, her unhealthy obsession with him, the fact that he went through all of the first movie without mentioning or alluding to her at all, then yes, their relationship is just crackerjack

Here he shook his head. “Never seen Jack act like that except when he’s around Kate. Just to look at her or the mention of her makes him smile.”

ZeldaQueen: (Gibs) “His left eye also twitches and he makes an odd gurgling noise in the back of his throat”

He then walked off, and I walked over to the banister nearby. As I stared out over the glimmering horizon, a strange wave washed through me, a sickening wave of heat and anger.

ZeldaQueen: I like to imagine that Elizabeth, like Joanna and Ron Weasley, knows full well what the Sue’s game is and is sickened by that


I turned to find James standing behind me, looking at me smugly.

“Jealous?” I asked. “Why would I be?”

ZeldaQueen: That’s a very good question. There is not a single thing that Kate has or has done that Elizabeth can’t have, wants to have, or can’t do if she’s so inclined

“Because a certain Katherine has the one thing you want.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not jealous of a woman that I don’t know.”

“You don’t have to know someone to envy them. And it’s written all over your face - you couldn’t even look at them together at the wheel, much less when they kissed.”

ZeldaQueen: If you’re quite done wanking, Gethesemane

I glared. “It’s inappropriate to do such a thing in public.”

“So now you’re concerned with the rules of propreity?”

“I didn’t say that. It’s my upbringing.”

“And last time I checked, your upbringing didn’t involve you dressing like a pirate.”

ZeldaQueen: I’m going to have to side with Elizabeth here, Norrington. It’s one thing to dress like a pirate when one is forced to go undercover and engage in piracy. It’s quite another thing to make out with a guy in public, constantly cling to him, and so on. Although if I might make a correction, I wouldn’t say it’s inappropriate so much as sickening and rude

I opened my mouth to retort, but words failed me.

ZeldaQueen: (Elizabeth) “You’re actually defending that little bint?!?”

James made to turn, but stopped and looked at me. “You never wandered how your current fiancè ended up on the Dutchman to begin with?”

ZeldaQueen: Yes, thank you, someone remembered Will!”

Although I have to ask, how would Norrington know that?

When I offered no reply, he shook his head and continued on his way.

ZeldaQueen: (Norrington) “These Mary Sues and their mind rape! Plot just doesn’t move along unless someone takes initiative to prod it”

I looked up to the helm, and saw that Jack and Kate were still speaking to one another, though the mood between them had lightened. Jack leaned forward and whispered something in Kate’s ear, which made her laugh.

ZeldaQueen: (Jack) “Your mama‘s so fat that when she went missing, they needed all four sides of the milk carton for her picture”

Jack had a smile on his face, one that was not smug, but rather sincerely happy to see her laugh. I bit my lower lip, feeling a stinging coming to my eyes.

ZeldaQueen: *fumes* Elizabeth was not this taken with Jack! She was more enamored of his lifestyle! She has a fiancee, who is utterly adorable and a fantastic swordfighter and who saved her life and has personality and there’s no reason for her to be weepy over this washed-out idiot!

The crew soon disembarked, and I sat in the stern of the dinghy as Pintel and Raghetti, who sat in the center and were arguing over the correct pronunciation of the word ‘Kraken’, rowed towards the beach.

ZeldaQueen: *waves goodbye to canon humor*

Kate and Jack sat next to one another at the bow. He had clutched to his chest a jar of dirt, clearly anxious. Kate rested her head on his shoulder, and the tension slowly but surely melted from him.

ZeldaQueen: You know, if Elizabeth were at all in character, she’d be rolling her eyes at how soppy Jack’s precious wife is

We soon arrived in the shallows. James, Jack, Kate, and I went ashore, and Jack and James withdrew two shovels.

ZeldaQueen: Oh? Can’t the Sue do any digging?

“Watch the boat, mind the tide,” said Jack. “Don’t touch my dirt.”

ZeldaQueen: That’s what she said

We began our trek across the island. I had opened the Compass Jack gave me,

ZeldaQueen: Yes? What did Compass Jack give you?

This is why proper capitalization is important

and found that the cursed point kept pointing back towards Jack, who followed behind me with Kate.

ZeldaQueen: Then what is she following? In the movie, the point sometimes swung for Jack, but it mostly went for the chest. If it keeps pointing at Jack, they can’t follow it to the chest, can they?

Once we reached the vicinity of the chest, I still had no luck with finding the chest. The Compass always pointed to Jack.

ZeldaQueen: THEN HOW DID THEY KNOW WHICH WAY TO - oh fuck it

I followed the spinning needle and found that I went nowhere but in a circle. The point returned to Jack.

Cursing inwardly, I shook the Compass in vain. I sank to the ground.

“It doesn’t work. It doesn’t show where the chest is, and it certainly doesn’t show you what you want most!”

ZeldaQueen: (Elizabeth) “For example, right now I want a sword to cut off the Sue’s head”

(Jack) “That’s all? Here, borrow mine”

(Elizabeth) “Thanks” *kills Sue*

Jack glanced down at the Compass. “Yes it does.”

I glanced up at him. “Beg pardon?”

“You’re sitting on it. Move.”

He waved his hand, and I rose to my feet.

ZeldaQueen: This is boring! BORING, I SAY!

Jack and Kate sat together a short distance away as James worked to recover the chest. As he shoveled the sand, I watched Kate and Jack. They sat closely together, their fingers laced.


I bit my lip and struggled to hold back the wave of tears behind my eyes.

ZeldaQueen: Oh Elizabeth, I’m so sorry that this happened to you.

And folks, save your outrage. Gethesemane hasn’t even reached the peak of her Elizabeth-hate yet

Suddenly a metallic clang rang out, and we all looked into the hole. Sure enough, a chest lay beneath the sand. We removed the large chest and lifted the lid. Inside were various items belonging undoubtedly to Jones’s lost love: jewelry, some lace, love letters. As we removed some of them, a picture fluttered from the chest. I picked it up, and gasped.
The woman in the picture looked exactly like Kate!

ZeldaQueen: Except that in the prequel story, Sirena was blond. Eh, what am I saying? Since when has Gethesemane let stuff like logic get in the way of her cliffhangers?

(Author's Note: So I looked back at my storyline, and I realized what a twisted soap opera this has turned out to be...oh well.)

ZeldaQueen: (Suethor) “I mean, I get to use my avatar to bone both of the guys I like and I still get to put down the canon heroes of the tale, so who cares?”

Onward to: Chapter 28:  The Chest and Secrets Revealed

Back to:  Chapter 26: Dive

Return to:  Table of Content

suethor: gethesemane butler, fic: heart of the sea, elizabeth, chapter 27

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