Heart Of The Sea: Chapter 22 - No Longer A Monster

Jan 17, 2011 15:32

ZeldaQueen: Well, for all of you who didn't want to watch Jones angst about his former sweetheart who is not Calypso, too bad

Projection Room Voices: Starting Media in 3...2...1...

Chapter 22: No Longer A Monster

(Author’s Note: I am happy to say that I gave birth to twins last night. Both weighed six pounds, and I had one boy and one girl. The boy’s name is Gabriel Michel and the girl’s name is Nathalie Rosette. I’m at home now, and we’re all doing fine.)

ZeldaQueen: Jesus Christ, even her real life children have Mary Sue-ish names! I'm especially disturbed by the boy's name, if only because Stephenie Meyer once wrote a short story where the half-human son of an angel was named Gabriel Micheal Christianson

Kate’s Point of View

I was once again his prisoner. I found myself on deck, staring out above the horizon, hoping beyond hope that black sails would come towards the ship.


Yet I could see nothing but water. The moonlight draped upon the Caribbean Sea like a silver, glimmering mantle. The warmth of the night would have been comfortable to any other, but to me….

ZeldaQueen: You know, you could always try to escape. I know saving yourself might seem rather novel, but I can assure you that if you really were a pirate, you'd figure something out

A melody drifted from the stateroom. The soft, wistful music of a locket…then an organ.

ZeldaQueen: And we all know what organ she's interested in. Bow-chicka-bow-wow

A song of torture and passion, a crescendo of anger and pain.

ZeldaQueen: Take out the passion and you know how I feel about this fic

The painful melody faded, yet the soft music of the locket continued to play…Sirena’s memory began to play again until it last stopped.

ZeldaQueen: The only reason I am not flattening the landscape in fury is because technically it wasn't revealed yet that Calypso was Jones' lover, so Gethesemane honestly wouldn't know what she's doing. Rest assured, she won't have that excuse in a few chapters' time

I turned and made my way to the stateroom. Davy Jones sat before the organ, his head bowed. He didn’t move; he didn’t even acknowledge my presence as I shut the door behind me. I crossed the room to him, and made to reach out to him, but I stopped…I was hesitant. I then placed my hand on his shoulder, and he turned to look at me.

ZeldaQueen: (Jones) "Why aren't you in the brig, where I locked you up? Guards! Tie her up tighter and cut off her fingers if she resists!"

Etched in those dark eyes was a sadness that I had never before seen.

“You’ve been hurting for the past century,” I said softly. “What has it done to you?”

ZeldaQueen: So much for her "I'm a tough chick who hates my captor and will fight him forever to save Jack" routine. Some guy shoves his tongue in her, she melts like an ice cube

He sighed as he looked away from me. “Her memory still haunts me.”

ZeldaQueen: (Jones) "I believe I shall never be free of the Mary Sue"

“What happened to her?”

ZeldaQueen: I'm going to leave this next bit untouched so you all can read it, uninterrupted

He inhaled sharply as if he had been pierced. “It was five years into our marriage. She had given birth to a child, a son whom we named Jacob. One day he had been playing on the banister of the ship…a sudden storm blew, and he was thrown overboard by the waves. Sirena and I tried to save him, but we could do nothing….”

His voice trailed, the hurt in his eyes becoming more prominent.

“We docked at a nearby island to ride out the storm. Sirena and I found our son’s body lying on the beach the next day, after the storm had cleared. The pain we felt was indescribable."

He paused once again, regaining his composure.

"We gave him a proper burial," he whispered. "But it was never a fate that Sirena and I had wanted for our son, the parents outliving the child. We mourned him for so long, and it was a difficult process as we slowly but surely began to heal. Then, one day, Sirena came to me and told me that she was with child again. We saw this as an opportunity to move on, though not forget...and even that was ripped away from us. She miscarried one week later...and the week after that, I found her on the deck one morning, in a pool of her own blood, with a bullet wound in her stomach. After losing my wife and son, and our unborn child, the pain was unbearable. I needed to find a way to rid myself of the pain, and even my life. I was willing to end it all, if only to be with them again, even if it meant in death. I carved out my heart to rid myself of the pain, yet I lived, as I was cursed with corrupt immortality."

ZeldaQueen: Alright. Let's have a list!

First of all, WAHHHHH WAAHHHH, WANGST! That's seriously all I'm getting here

Second of all, what sort of a pirate raises an infant on the sea, like that? I could understand it if he was a merchant or something, but he's a fucking pirate. He attacks other ships. He goes through storms! He's got other bloodthirsty pirates that will be attacking him! Quite frankly, getting blown overboard is probably the least graphic way the kid could have gone.

Third of all, I repeat that they're pirates. They've seen their crew die, surely. They know what kind of a life they're leading. They honestly were taken by shock that they'd outlive an infant that they're apparently dragging around in such a dangerous life?

Fourth of all, is the implication supposed to be that Sirena committed suicide? If so, congratulations Gethesemane, you forgot your own fanon, again. You said that she was murdered. The way it's described there, she committed suicide out of grief.

Fifth, I'm expected to believe that that was Jones wonderful pirate love? The woman "as wild and untamable as the sea"? Okay, I'm really not meaning to be insensitive here, and I know that losing a child is very difficult, but...really? Her? Not to mention that Gethesemane is doing a lovely job ignoring Tia Dalma's implication that the woman didn't faithfully love Jones in return, hence his pain. Oh no, he was all sobby after she killed herself and whatnot. Blah

I was speechless. How could one man endure such pain?

ZeldaQueen: This is from the same girl who was so rude to Bootstrap

“I…I’m sorry,” I was able to choke out.

He looked at me, and took my hand in his. I burst into tears, overcome with emotion, and he pulled me against him.

ZeldaQueen: *Rubs head* I'm honestly at a loss here. There's showing empathy and there's sobbing like a baby. I'm honestly supposed to believe that this chick has more backbone than Elizabeth? Tell me, did Elizabeth get so weepy when Bootstrap told her that Will would never choose to save him? Or when Norrington died? Hmm?

The locket began to play again, and together we sat in silence for many moments. For those few moments, he wasn’t a monster. He was simply a man wronged by fate, twisted by the pain that he had carried on his shoulders.

ZeldaQueen: I love how she just keeps jumping loyalties here. "Oh Jack! I love Jack more than anyone in the world! I hate Bootstrap for mutinying, but my beloved Uncle Hector is just the greatest guy every! I hate Jones, he's going to kill Jack. Ahh, poor baby! I'm going to hug him! I love him!"

I glanced up at him, and felt my heart contract and my stomach churn upon a sudden realization.

I was in love with Davy Jones.

ZeldaQueen: Considering that we were outright told that there'd be  a love triangle, this is absolutely meaningless


Onward to: Chapter 23: The Reunion

Back to:  Chapter 21: Contemplation And A Resolve

Return to:  Table of Contents

suethor: gethesemane butler, chapter 22, fic: heart of the sea, no longer a monster

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