1. Oh, my lord! Those are the notes that never end. XD It just went on and on and on. Aren't notes supposed to be short? Is this a weird american thing?
2. "A persona is for those of you who need to know, a representation of ones personality, or in dictionary terms is, (Persona) n. In biology, same as person. So for all you future readers, this story is based on Jenna, a char that is a representation of my personality.
ZeldaQueen: Actually according to Jung, one's persona was their public facade, not who they really were inside. Phail."
Should I bring an evoker to the fanfic? I could use a shot to the head.
3. Lucid dreams are rare? Really? I'm honestly surprised because I have them all the time. Whenever I'm in my dream I do all sort of weird things, most of the time it involves cartoon physics. I think watching too many WB cartoons (Animaniacs being my all time favorite) and Tom & Jerry made me this way. Only time my dream is not Lucid is when I dream of other stories, then it becomes my own tv station. Weird thing is, last week I dreamed in French with English subtitles.
(Point 4 will be in a separate post because it's a very long rant.)
Oh I can assure you, long author's notes are *not* an American thing. It's a bratty author who can't follow her own advice thing.
I don't think I've ever had any lucid dreams before, but I know what you mean about dreams like tv stations. Most of the time, my dreams are like books I'm re-reading but also participating him (I already know what will happen). Like one of my dreams had me as a member of the Fellowship of the Ring and they all thought they just had to drop the Ring into any old fire. Just as they started a campfire and pitched it in, I remembered that the LOTR was a three-part series and we were only in part one, which meant that we had to fill up the two other books with *something*. That was when they figured out their mistake and decided to set off for Mordor.
The dream thing happens to me too. I usually dream that I'm a character from whatever I watched or read... sometimes in pretty weird situations. Like one time, I was Ian Malcolm, and I had to watch over a bunch of kids on a class trip. In Germany. (I live in Germany, so yeah...). And when I was a kid, I used to read Mickey Mouse comics, and once or twice I dreamed of reading them (really weird ones, though - one contained a room full of sentient orange juice), with a "to be continued" in the corner just before I woke up.
1.) My longest author's note was no where near this long, and it was long because it was a joint fanfic between a friend of mine on Fanfiction.net and they kept refering it to just my story, which bummed him out. I left shorter notes, but finally... a long note was needed. And then, people said they were sorry and either refer to none of us or both of us in their reviews.
2. "A persona is for those of you who need to know, a representation of ones personality, or in dictionary terms is, (Persona) n. In biology, same as person. So for all you future readers, this story is based on Jenna, a char that is a representation of my personality.
ZeldaQueen: Actually according to Jung, one's persona was their public facade, not who they really were inside. Phail."
Should I bring an evoker to the fanfic? I could use a shot to the head.
3. Lucid dreams are rare? Really? I'm honestly surprised because I have them all the time. Whenever I'm in my dream I do all sort of weird things, most of the time it involves cartoon physics. I think watching too many WB cartoons (Animaniacs being my all time favorite) and Tom & Jerry made me this way. Only time my dream is not Lucid is when I dream of other stories, then it becomes my own tv station. Weird thing is, last week I dreamed in French with English subtitles.
(Point 4 will be in a separate post because it's a very long rant.)
I don't think I've ever had any lucid dreams before, but I know what you mean about dreams like tv stations. Most of the time, my dreams are like books I'm re-reading but also participating him (I already know what will happen). Like one of my dreams had me as a member of the Fellowship of the Ring and they all thought they just had to drop the Ring into any old fire. Just as they started a campfire and pitched it in, I remembered that the LOTR was a three-part series and we were only in part one, which meant that we had to fill up the two other books with *something*. That was when they figured out their mistake and decided to set off for Mordor.
But there was that one dream about a Cactuar mariachi band...
2.) I have to wonder where she got that defintion from because I just looked it up and... well... not one of these has that definition. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1T4GGLL_enUS386US387&defl=en&q=define:persona&sa=X&ei=KDXrTN-jB436swO8oLSBDw&ved=0CBYQkAE .
3.) I have them all the time too. A few times, I've gotten good writing material from it, but I've also needed to change it up.
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