Got tagged for this a good long while ago by
Rule 1: Always post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked with gifs, and write 11 new ones or don’t, whatever. ~
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post.
Rule 4: Actually tell them you tagged them. (Does the tagging counts as telling? xd They'll see if they are tagged.)
1.) The way you feel right now:
See, I recently resolved to start seriously working out more, and I did a ton of leg exercises on Thursday. I still am having trouble standing up and sitting down. It's... well, sore but not as bad once I'm actually in one position, but joint-bending seems to be a bit of a chore. (At least I know I got something to happen during that workout. :P)
However, inside, I feel...
2.) Your favorite GIF of your celebrity crush:
3.) Your favorite animal:
4.) From your favorite movie:
Since I have a couple of favorite movies...
5.) Something that made you laugh:
Okay, that one probably takes a bit of explanation. The GIF is for the live action Ace Attorney movie (yes, it exists, and yes, any self-respected AA fan should see it), during a Climactic Scene near the end. For the entire movie, the Blue Badger (a mascot character for the police, for anyone not familiar) is portrayed like an amusement park mascot, with a guy wearing a full-body suit. The Blue Badger stops the Judge from delivering a premature verdict and then we get...that. As everyone's attention turns to the Big Damned Heroes who arrived, the Blue Badger falls to the ground and reveals that there's nobody inside the suit. God help me, I and nobody else can figure out what that's supposed to mean. It's just hilarious how NOBODY seems to notice or care, though.
Last one actually comes in two parts.
6.) Something that made you sad:
7.) Something that makes you bite your lip:
...Hey, guess who's really hyped for Age of Ultron? 8D
8.) Your most used GIF
I don't think I use any regularly, but here's one I'm really fond of.
9.) The cutest GIF ever:
Phoenix was, hands-down, one of the cutest things ever from that movie. Actually, I think his smiling was even cuter (LIVE ACTION CAT SMILE, I KID YOU NOT, PEOPLE!!!), but I can't find a GIF of it! So watch the movie and see it for yourself!
10.) The most awesome GIF:
Don't have a lot of GIFs I'd consider awesome per say, but here.
It just...sums up so much.
And there you have it! Apologies, I'm not going to make new questions or actually tag anyone. But anyone who reads this post is most welcome to try it out for themselves! :)
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