Announcements From The Realm: Hush, Hush Reboot

Jun 20, 2014 21:31

As those of you who follow das_sporking may have noticed, I recently posted a table of contents there for a sporking of Hush, Hush. For those of you who haven't seen it and for anyone else curious, yes, this means that I will be rebooting the sporking of that book. I had been debating on it for some time, and decided to do so for two reasons:
  1. In hindsight, it occurred to me that my first sporking wasn't as complete as it could have been. And, after all, I'd hate to deny anyone the squicky wonder that is Hush, Hush.
  2. Ket, in a complete and utter rage over the amount of myth!fail, asked for a chance to join me in having at it.
It was pretty much Ket's offer that was the tipping point here. I read her sporkings with Gehayi of Fifty Shades of Grey, and was glad for her help. So we decided to dive on in.

So, where does this leave my Crescendo sporking? Unfortunately, that one's going to be shelved for the time being. To everyone waiting for that to update, I'm really, really sorry. I was trying to muscle through it, and it's gotten to the point where it's so damned dull that I was worried I was missing too much and not being sufficiently snarky. Fear not though, dear Viewers! When Ket and I finish with Hush, Hush, we'll move on to the rest of the series. So worry not, Crescendo and the sequels will be sporked. It'll just be a bit, so please hang tight.

Hopefully the wait won't be too bad though, because you'll have the shiny new Hush, Hush sporking to follow along with! Besides new insight provided by the ever-reliable Ket, there will be new counts, new rages, and new points to bring up. So even if you read the previous sporking, there's going to be plenty of new stuff to keep you entertained!

Finally, I realize that I have been focusing mostly on updating my sporkings at das_sporking. I also know that I have readers here who aren't a member of the comm, who I've been neglecting. For everyone here, I do hope to begin Chosen soon, however that's going to wait until I have a few of my current sporking projects finished. I'm currently working on... *counts* two more, not counting Hush, Hush, with another due to start soon and several more set to follow, so things are a little tight. So until that sporking begins, I will be posting the Hush, Hush: Redux sporking here, as well as at das_sporking. That way, people don't have to follow along at the comm if they don't want to, my journal will get some updates, and people who just like to hang out at the Realm will be able to easily get alerts (and for those wondering, I will be editing the Redux TOC to the same post as the original one, so just go there to check on it).

On one final note, I mentioned this at the comm, but I'll be gone for pretty much the entirety of next week (June 22 - 28th) for a vacation. I'll have my laptop, but I'm not sure what sort of internet service I'll have access to. So if anyone needs to get in touch with me, I'm likely not going to be able to respond until next weekend. Terribly sorry if something incredibly urgent has come up, but that's how it is. ^^;

Anywho, let me know if there are any questions about this all, and hope you enjoy the upcoming events!

suethor: becca fitzpatrick, fic: hush hush (redux), .announcements from the realm, fic: hush hush, cosporking

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