Announcements From The Realm: Three More Things

Apr 20, 2013 00:56

Howdy-do, folks! I apologize for another announcement so (relatively) soon after the last, but there are three orders of business that have to be addressed, which I forgot to bring up before.

The first is that at the requests of the respective sporkers, several of the City of Bones chapters are available for re-sporking. The chapters are:
  1. Pandemonium
  2. The Circle and the Brotherhood
  3. High and Dry
If you're interested in sporking any, just let me know. The rules for sporking are the same as any of the group sporkings. Know the source material, give some detail, pay attention to spelling and grammer, etc and so on. Send it my way when it's done, I'll give it a lookover, and then I'll post it if it's good.

The second is in regards to several spitefic I did, and an idea I had. Some of you may recall that in response to some Disney Suefic, I did some fics centered around the Disney Princess Support Network. In a nutshell, for those of you who didn't read them, the fics used the idea that the Disney Princesses and Princes would go into their various canons, capture the Sues invading, and restore the general order of things. It was a fun way to vent frustration and show the strengths of the various princesses.

Since a lot of folks were into the concept, I have a proposal - I could go about starting a livejournal group to host Disney Princess Support Network fics. Anyone who wanted to write for it could, and it needn't be limited to bad Sue fics. Any epic missions for the team could be done. I'm willing to start that, if there's enough interest. So folks, just drop your votes for Yay or Nay in the comments below!

The final issue is a bit more personal, but the ultimate goal will end up here, so here I go. Some of you may recall me mentioning a couple of times in the past about a computer game I was searching for. Said game was called Legends & Myths, and had all but vanished off of the face of the Earth.

I finally scored a copy several months back (hooray for ebay!), which is the good news. The bad news is that I've been trying to record myself playing it, so that I can show folks that this game is real, and why I'd been looking for it for seventeen years or so. All attempts have ended in failure. I really, really want to see this through to the end though, if I can, so I'm here to humbly ask if any folks have thoughts or suggestions on how to fix the issue. The info I have, thus far:

I have tried a variety of screen-recording software, including Hypercam and Camstudio. I also tried simply screencapturing. Everything has resulted in the same issue - the colors come out in some bizarre palette inversion. Here it is...

So yeah. The sound generally works fine, but it's nearly impossible to see what's actually going on. I have no idea what to do to keep the screen from looking like that. The game runs in a 256 color palette, but several of the screen recording programs used claim to be able to handle that, and still don't work. I can run the game on a Windows XP and a Dell Precision just fine, and both computers have the same color issue. I can provide more info, if it's needed for suggestions. Being rather non-computer savvy, I'm a bit lost.

Other than that, hope everyone's evening's going well!

upcoming projects, fic: city of bones, .group recapping, medieval-pirate review: legends and myth, opinions and advice wanted, .announcements from the realm

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