Announcements From The Realm: City Of Ashes, Upcoming Stuff, And Affiliated Projects!

Feb 05, 2013 23:30

Hello, hello, ladles and gellymints! It is time for another check-in for the City of Ashes group sporking. As before, this is the time to send me your sporkings if they're done and, if they're not, to drop me a message or otherwise let me know what's going on. Please, feel free to contact me if there are any questions or concerns about the sporking. The deadline for this round of turn-ins and check-ins is February 15th, so please get in touch with me by then.

If you have not, I highly recommend checking up on the sporking list status and making sure the info for your chapters is up-to-date. If I have down, say, that your sporking hasn't been received and you sent it to me months ago, please let me know.

Sadly, I have also re-opened several chapters due to the sporkers vanishing. The now-available chapters are:
  • Chapter 15: The Serpent's Tooth
  • Chapter 17: East of Eden
If there is anyone who would like to take up those chapters, please let me know. Or, if the people assigned to those chapters were still interested in sporking them, please let me know ASAP.

On an unrelated sporking note, someone in the comments section for the Fifty Shades of Grey sporkings mentioned a book by the title of Gabriel's Inferno. It was another Twilight fanfiction that became published, this one ripping off following a theme of Dante's Inferno. Being the curious sucker I am, I checked it out.


You know, it's probably not the most pretentious pile of hamfisted, overly-symbolic dog crap I've ever read, BUT BY GOD IT'S TRYING FOR THAT POSITION! Dear God! Bad enough the Suethor apparently doesn't get anything out of The Divine Comedy except for "Beatrice/Dante = OTP!!!" Bad enough we're supposed to buy Edward Cullen Gabriel Owen Emerson's nine million descriptions of Bella Swan Julianne Mitchell as "Beatrice" to count as meaningful literary allusions. BAD ENOUGH THEY GIVE THE BELLA SWAN EXPY A FUCKING FAUX-STIGMATA. We also get to endure the expy of Jacob, who is even more of a bastard than he ever was in Eclipse (safe to say the Suethor is a diehard Bella/Edward fan). Oh, and guess what? LEAH'S DRAGGED INTO IT. The fucking Suethor made her Jacob's girlfriend (sorry, "fuckbuddy" and dear God but they use that phrase too much to describe her!) who is catty and spiteful and cruel to poor Bella. Oh, and she's eeeeevil too. In fact, the Suethor spares no expense to show us how eeeeevil she is. She's so eeeeevil that she engages in anal sex with Jacob, hits on Bella, and oh yeah, is bisexual and dumps Jacob for a girl. BECAUSE NOTHING SAYS EEEEVIL LIKE DEVIATING FROM WHAT'S CONSIDERED SEXUAL NORMALCY, AMIRITE?

So yes. This thing is going down. I don't know when, but IT WILL BE SHOVED UNDER THE FROZEN LAKE WITH SATAN. Which is a more sound Inferno allusion than most of what goes on in that book!

On one final, non-ranty and non-sporking note, I've gotten involved with an online project known unofficially as the Ghost Tricks Musical. For those of you who have heard of the Turnabout Musical project, yeah it's an unofficial offshoot of that. It's a different crew, but our goal is the same - to make an online radio drama/musical of the game Ghost Trick. I'm not sure how many folks here are fans of that game (though I highly recommend it - ton of fun, and by the same folks who did the Ace Attorney series), but if anyone is interested in joining in or following along, please feel free! Our headquarters (so to speak) are at this thread here, so welcome!

And that should be all for now. Good luck to everyone on their recaps, hope life is going well, and enjoy February!

fic: city of ashes, .the realm of literacy, .affiliated projects, upcoming sporkings, .group recapping, sporking updates, .announcements from the realm

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