The Gang: Chapter 5 - The Newcomer

Sep 11, 2012 21:15


Projection Room Voices: Warning, regular M.A.R.Y.S.U.E. sporking protocol overriden! Starting Media in 3...2...1...

The Newcomer

ZeldaQueen: Spoilers, folks! The newcomer doesn't show up until the very end of the chapter. Nice to know that amidst all of the Do Not Want, Neil still found time to emulate Stephenie Meyer

Raxis: I'm tempted to say that's an insult to Meyer. Which is pretty groundbreaking.

Ben took a deep breath. He still wasn’t sure what  to think, something wasn’t quite right, he was sure he was being  tricked somehow, but he couldn’t work out how.

ZeldaQueen: Maybe it had something to do with THAT GIANT FUCKING RUN-ON?

Raxis: Queeny, there are so many other things to get upset about beyond Neil's terrible writing.

ZeldaQueen: Yeah, sorry, that just beaned me upside the head

Victoria seemed so nice  though, so reassuring, so comforting, he wanted to believe her.

ZeldaQueen: Yes, it's so nice of her to hang you by your wrists and give the other girls permission to reach up your boxers! Benedict, it really ought to penetrate (eek) your thick skull that it shouldn't matter how nice she is, she was one of several to think that this entire initiation was not only necessary, but a good idea!

He was  very well aware though that he really didn’t have any choice. He  couldn’t do anything to stop them. They could do whatever they wanted  with him and he couldn’t stop them. He slumped against his bonds, his  body giving up the fight.

ZeldaQueen: ...Was Neil getting this out of some textbook about sexual assault victim mentality?

Raxis: He probably wrote the book. Got his knowledge from all his victims.

ZeldaQueen: In all seriousness though, this is damned creepy! I just keep thinking about a character in a book I read, and how she thought almost exactly like this when she was nearly raped, right down to just about giving up after strugglin to escape. This is seriously nasty!

Raxis: It was written by Neil. That goes hand-in-hand with Nasty.

“Alright” he said, as if his permission meant anything. 
Victoria’s hands lowered themselves ever so slowly to Ben’s belt and she  pulled the leather out from the steel buckle, gently teasing the tongue  from its well worn hole.

Raxis: It's like reading Eragon!

ZeldaQueen: Yes, you know Neil wrote this when taking off a belt reads like porn -_-

She pulled the belt open and paused. Ben held  his body rigid, humiliated by these unfamiliar ministrations,

ZeldaQueen: Unfamiliar whats now?

Raxis: Yeah, when you're using a word that I don't understand, the red flags go up.

and tried  to bring his sharp and shallow breathing under control. Sweat began to  break out on his forehead, and his only consolation was that his  erection had long disappeared in his panic.

Raxis: Your penis vanishes when you're under stress? That's a pretty strange ability.

ZeldaQueen: This boy thinks way too much about the state of his own junk

Victoria took the waistband of Ben’s jeans firmly in her left hand as  her right took

ZeldaQueen: - a bow

the material around the buttonhole at the top. She  carefully teased the metal button through the hole, and then let her  right hand slide gently down to the tag at the top of Ben’s fly. She  drew his fly down slowly, carefully, feeling for any tumescence within  as she did so.

Raxis: Was it so necessary to space what could be said in one sentance as two paragraphs?

ZeldaQueen: Yes, because Neil needs to stretch it out to wank to

Ben kept his eyes shut, the sweat running down into his eyes now. The  surge of adrenalin that had been released when Victoria had undone the  button was flooding through him, causing his to shake uncontrollably.

Raxis: Watch out, he's gonna pull a Shizuo on them!

ZeldaQueen: No, I think he's going to morph into the Incredible Hulk

Emily, Alison, and Paul, all watched with interest.

Raxis: (Paul, Mary Two and Emily): "Shiiiiiiiiiny pants *drool*"

ZeldaQueen: (Little Perverted Voyers) "Watching people getting molested is FUN! :D"

Ben’s trousers were now open at the front and Victoria pulled the two  sides of the top wide, exposing the abstract patterns of his red and  blue cotton boxer shorts.


Ben had been reluctant when his mother had insisted on buying him boxer  shorts back in the spring. At first the transition from his old y-fronts  had been uncomfortable. Being used to the snugness of his old pants,  with his willy being held comfortably upwards, the freedom of the boxer  shorts, with his willy dangling down, had been strange.

Raxis: Thanks for that, Neil. I so love reading about this dick's dick.

ZeldaQueen: I'm going to pretend that by "willy", he means the orca whale. With that in mind, it gives a whole new meaning to the idea of "free willy"

After a while he  had got used to them, and on the odd occasion he had put on an old pair  of his y-fronts it was they that had felt strange to him.

ZeldaQueen: Um, Raxis? Do guys usually remanisce about what type of underwear they have on? Because I think it's safe to say that I never have stood around going "This new bra's comfy, and dang, but my old style feels weird now!"

Raxis: Well I can kinda recall boxers feeling kinda loose when I first started wearing them, but that's it, I've never really thought deeply on the subject.

His mother  had just told him, casually, that he was growing up; no more explanation  than that, and it hadn’t been mentioned since.

ZeldaQueen: Thank you for that pointless tidbit

Now though, he was so  grateful for his mother’s consideration. As humiliating as it was going  to be dangling here in just his boxer shorts, it would have been much  worse in his old y-front, where everything would have been so much more  obvious; so much more visible.

Raxis: Yeah, keep on dreaming that those won't be coming off, you naive fool.

ZeldaQueen: And after several pointless paragraphs about Benedicts underpants, we can move on to the plot! OH, WAIT

“Alison, give me a hand” said Victoria. Alison stepped forward, as eager as ever.

Raxis: (Emily) "Duuuuuuh, ok! :D *rips it off and throws it*" Don't forget, I'm calling Alison in this fic Emily. The actual Emily is called Mary Two. I'm calling Alison Emily because she reminds Queen and I of that little bitch Emily from HE. Actually I'm not sure if this fic's Emily really deserves a derogatory nickname. She's just kinda THERE, not being as heinous as the other three, so I don't really hate her the same way.

“Just hold on to the top of his pants, stop them from coming down, while I take his trousers off” she said.

ZeldaQueen: Because obviously this little twit will only do that, and won't try to grope him or otherwise do humiliating things to him! Yep!

Trousers! Off! Ben felt a bolt of anguish and embarrassment rush through  him. They were going to take his trousers off. He’d known that for the  past couple of minutes of course,

Raxis: Wow, so they're dragging this out in-fic too?

but the words… To hear it said aloud  ‘While I take his trousers off’ made it real in a quite different way.

Raxis: A very painful way. For the readers.

ZeldaQueen: And yet, he's still all smiles about taking the clothes off of innocent girls

Alison carefully placed two small hands on the waistband of Ben’s  boxers, just inside each hip bone, and held on firmly. Ben could feel  the coolness of her hands,

Raxis: Because she's not human.

ZeldaQueen: She's a sparklepire?

and where her fingers had strayed, ever so  slightly, towards his groin.

ZeldaQueen: Okay, how the hell long are her fingers? She's got to be actively reaching for that!

Not anywhere near anything too private, but  it was still virgin flesh; very sensitive virgin flesh. He gasped  slightly. Either accidentally or on purpose, she also tugged his boxers  away from his front a little.

Raxis: I don't like the way Neil describes things.

ZeldaQueen: Yeah, Neil? Given how Benedict has spent the last five chapters whining about how he's yet to molest have a sexing with a girl, I think it's safe to say he's a virgin. That's typically what the word means. And do you seriously think that this little trollop isn't trying to grope you on purpose?

“Can I have a peek?” she asked Victoria.

Raxis: ... I call the first "thing I'd like to do to these fuckers" of the chapter, Queeny.

“No.” said Victoria firmly.

Raxis: Can't believe I'm saying this, but thanks, Victoria. If it weren't for the fact that Emily hasn't done anything particularly bad I'd say you're the most tolerable, but you're still emotionally manipulative. And for the record, I'm dropping the nicknames from Victoria and Emily, because I was starting to get tripped up on them myself XD Benedict still gets called Eggs Benedicts, though.

Alison frowned “Oh go on, just a little one

ZeldaQueen: I'm next! Remember that picture of Cronus I used in the last chapter?

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ZeldaQueen: Care for some delicious grapes, Alison?

“Alison, are you going to do as you’re told or are you going to have to  be punished?” asked Victoria with an authoritative tone to her voice.

ZeldaQueen: And by "punish", Neil Victoria of course means something sexual

Raxis: She'd probably enjoy it.

ZeldaQueen: Not really. Neil also gets off on public humiliation, remember?

“No, I’ll be good” replied Alison quickly, relaxing her grip slightly  and letting the top of Ben’s boxers contract back towards his belly. 
Victoria tugged at the sides of Ben’s jeans, pulling them down over his  hips; down over the crest of his bottom. Once they had cleared this  obstruction they fell easily: to his thighs; to his knees; and finally  to his ankles. Victoria squatted down while she wrestled them off over  his bare feet.

Raxis: Back to drawing this pointlessly out.

Ben dangled, in both senses, the warm cocoon of the denim removed, his  legs felt cool and very vulnerable. He was dreadfully aware that only  his cotton boxer shorts stood guard between him and complete nakedness.   He prayed, harder than he had ever prayed before in his life, that he  didn’t get another erection; an erection which would now be only too  obvious to everyone.

Raxis: Here's another example of Neil's frankly bizarre hatred of the male erection...

ZeldaQueen: He did that in Hogwarts Exposed all of the time, constantly pointing out how Harry or Ron was getting a hard-on, and having to hide it.

Raxis: That's what I meant.

ZeldaQueen: Aaaaand, we're scripting for a bit!

Victoria: Huh, Ben seems rather "downcast". You'd think he'd be happier about getting tied up and molested. Hey, how're things going, Benedict? You going to hang in there?

Benedict: As if I have a choice

ZeldaQueen: You mean like those girls you're looking forward to molesting?

Benedict: *randomly stares at Victoria's hooters*

Raxis: *Facepalm*

Neil: Allow me to go on an incredibly pointless litanny about a preteen girl's boobies. Oh beautiful, creamy globes! How you arouse me Benedict! Permit me to also describe in, nausiating detail, the status of Benedict's erection

ZeldaQueen: *is nearly ready to kill herself*

Raxis: He really does it. Be glad you're not reading it.

Neil: *spends AN ENTIRE GODDAMMED PARAGRAPH detailing all of the above*

Victoria: Huh, he somehow hid his arousal. I'm so offended! Hey kiddo, don't you want to see them? My breasts. My yabazoos. My mounds. My Appalachian -

ZeldaQueen: ENOUGH, NEIL!

Raxis: Don't forget enormous tracts of land. Oh, and again, she's FOURTEEN! T_T She's not gonna be fucking busty at that age, even if she was destined to be the next Hitomi Tanaka!

Victoria: “Would you like to see them? Properly I mean. Naked?” After all, I'm just a girl in one of Neil's fics. I have no purpose other than fanservice and male pleasure!

Raxis: And if you're incapable of doing that in a Neil fic, you're randomly made into a victim or a vile villain.

Victoria: *makes vague promises to pleasure Benedict when this is over*

ZeldaQueen: *has read ahead and feels naseus*

Emily: Let's tickle some more! :D

Raxis: Neil has a bizarre thing for tickling.

Girls: *grope and tickle Benedict, all of which is described in pointless detail*

Benedict: *screams and acts like he's being tortured by the Viet Cong*

Paul: *enjoys the show, because "Ben was a handsome boy, and  he was looking forward to seeing him naked, exposed, erect. He was  looking forward to playing with him too, but there would plenty of time  for that. There would be plenty of other opportunities, other days.  There wasn’t a rule as such, but the tradition had developed that if  they had a boy captive the girls would take the lead, and if they had a  girl he would take the lead. It seemed to work pretty well. Paul  squeezed a hand down the front of his own trousers, to readjust his  erection to a more comfortable position. As much as he wanted to, he  resisted the temptation to stroke himself; better saved until later."

Raxis: Ok, so Paul's also a depraved bisexual. Lovely.

ZeldaQueen: Also lovely is how they apparently have kidnapped and molested enough kids that there is a tradition as to how they go about doing it. Just fantastic! *prepares to kill self*

Ben was in agony, the tickling was so intense that it had become  painful. He felt his diaphragm tighten; he couldn’t breath. He begged  them to stop. Victoria pulled away from him first, and Alison,  predictably, last.

ZeldaQueen: ...Apparently these kids have learned the very rare tickle-torture techniques used by the most heartless of government officials.

Raxis: Well to be fair, being tickled hard enough in the right location can be kinda painful, but this is overdoing it.

Victoria gave Ben a minute to calm down, while she surveyed him  carefully. Her eyes rested on the lump in the front of his pants, and  she wasn’t sure whether it was yet at its fullest extent. She hoped it  wasn’t, otherwise this boy was going to be a bit of a disappointment.

ZeldaQueen: Letting some personal  insecurities get in there, Neil?

“That’s why we start the initiation with you pissing in the mug” she said eventually.

ZeldaQueen: (Victoria) "Because Neil gets off on it"

And in all seriousness, if there was supposed to be some practical reasoning behind the pissing, what was the purpose of the actual drinking part?

Raxis: Shhh, stop using logic!

Ben, still breathing deeply, didn’t respond.
“Otherwise you’d probably have wet your pants by now” she added.

Raxis: Nice to see they're so methodical about all of this.

ZeldaQueen: Dude, I think they're more methodical about their kinks and molestations than most governments are about economies and foreign relations!

“Then we would have to take them off” said Alison “and clean you up, like a little baby”

Raxis: I just hate her so much :D

ZeldaQueen: Ah yes, what would a Neil fic be without some infantilization? I'm just glad we got off without his pregnancy kink!

Ben was only half listening, but he absorbed the meaning,

Raxis: By OSMOSIS. Eggs Benedict can absorb information through contact!

being thankful  now that he had emptied his bladder fully. He sure as hell didn’t want  to piss his pants, let alone suffer what might follow such a humiliating  accident.

ZeldaQueen: That was reserved for Kim, in Hogwarts Overexposed

“Paul pissed his pant. Didn’t you Paul?” said Emily with a grin. 
“Shut up!” said Paul.

Raxis: I'm torn between facepalming about this example of TMI and feeling a bit smug that Paul's getting some back, if only a little.

“We hadn’t got it all worked out properly then” said Victoria “We added the pissing part after that.”

Raxis: To be fair, I think it only takes one problem to make people realize they need to change things around.

ZeldaQueen: I don't want to be fair to this shit -_-

“I wish I’d been here to see that” said Alison.

ZeldaQueen: I bet you do, you precocious little succubus, you!

Raxis: Queen, don't insult the Succubi D:

“You’ve seen other boys wet themselves since though” said Emily, placing a sympathetic hand on Alison’s shoulder.

ZeldaQueen: Methinks someone needs to introduce Alison to the idea of Googling "watersports"

Raxis: Oh lord no. Last thing this bitch needs is to research it! It might give her inspiriation!

ZeldaQueen: I was thinking that she'd be so distracted by a whole web's worth of porn that she'd just stay in front of the computer all day

Raxis: Ah, I see.

ZeldaQueen: Plus, with any luck, her parents would catch her and send her to a therapist!

“I know, but I’d have liked to have seen Paul.” Alison said plaintively, her lower lip curling up into a pout.

Raxis: You see him every day.

“It was funny” said Emily, giggling slightly.

“It bloody wasn’t” complained Paul

Raxis: (Paul): "We're British, you know. Pipip, cheerio!"

ZeldaQueen: Given Neil's fondness for torture porn, it might be a blessing that he's using "bloody" in the "stereotypical British" sense

“Can we please stick to the job in hand?” he added.

Raxis: (Paul): "I'll get the glue!"

ZeldaQueen: I'm sure Neil is having a grand time concentrating on the job in hand

“Can I tickle him inside his pants?” pleaded Alison, her voice brimming with angelic innocence.

Raxis: *sigh* Someone go fetch a nasty from Dwarf Fortress to attend to Alison, quickly!

ZeldaQueen: *stares*

*tries to imagine ANY child asking "angelically" to reach around a dude's ballsack*


“Noooo!” yelled Ben.


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“Hush!” said Victoria, placing a hand on Ben’s hip.

Raxis: So we're doing the Macarena now?

ZeldaQueen: No, they're using Benedict as a convenient hanging ornament to rest their hands on

“Alright” said Victoria after a moment’s thought, “but you’re not to  pull his pants down or expose him in any way, and you’re not to touch  his willy.”

ZeldaQueen: Methinks Victoria here is being willfully ignorant

Raxis: Neil, saying that word over and over won't make us any more tolerant of it.

“Okay, I won’t” said Alison hopping up and down and clapping her hands together in excitement.

ZeldaQueen: Yes, this sort of behavior is really making me believe that she's going to keep her word and not grab his joystick the minute the opportunity presents itself

Raxis: I'm now picturing her as one of those clapping monkey things.

“I’m serious Alison” added Victoria for emphasis

Raxis: So we have two Alisons? Serious Alison and Regular Alison?

ZeldaQueen: Christ, I hope not! One's bad enough! D:

“behave yourself!” 
“I will, I will” Alison replied cheerfully.

Raxis: I use that adjective to describe a character from my fic's dialogue somewhat regularly. Excuse me while I go stare at the wall.

ZeldaQueen: You know, for Victoria to not see what is obviously about to happen, she's either got to be dumb as a fucking rock or not actually caring. And while it's likely it's the former, given the psychological torture these assholes have been engaging in, this really sounds like Victoria is only pretending to reign Alison in, to make Benedict think of her as a savior. Which, as we'll see in a bit, he does. Just...make of that what you will

Raxis: I thin it's worth noting that Emily has, again, done very little in this chapter. I'm honestly beginning to wonder if Neil actually just forgets about her half the time.

Alison quickly dropped to her knees

Raxis: Ah, time to start sucking, now literally in addition to metaphorically.

ZeldaQueen: Don't say that. Not with what's coming up in later chapters >_<

Raxis: I fear for the future, very suddenly >:

and tickled a hand up the back of  Ben’s right leg, bringing it ever closer to the hem of his boxer shorts.  Lacking the patience to tease him for too long, she brought her hand up  inside his boxers, stroking it up and over his right buttock and giving  it a good squeeze.

Raxis: Neil would just love it if this happened to him...

ZeldaQueen: Okay, look, unless Benedict's ass makes amusing clown horn noises when it's squeezed, there is no damned reason for these people to be so into it

Raxis: Now I'm reminded of Dragonball Z abridged XD

“Get off!” said Ben. 
Victoria returned to stroking Ben’s chest and back, while Emily’s  fingernails went back to work on his right flank and tummy.  Ben resumed  his shrieking and squirming, begging them to have mercy and stop their  assault on him.

ZeldaQueen: While Neil, no doubt, drools and wanks and rolls around on his basement floor, pantless. And, because this next part is FUCKING VILE, we shall script it!

Raxis: Be grateful, it just drags on and on and on.

Neil's Fanservice Girls: *systematically grope, tickle, and provocatively stroke Benedict's nether region, like some sort of trained spa employees*

Raxis: Seriously, Neil especially has some severe thing about tickling. It's kinda spooky, really.

Alison: *begins to make very obvious grabs at Benedict's junk*

Benedict's Junk: *apparently is intelligent enough to get an erection in the directly away from Alison*

Raxis: That's a neat trick...

ZeldaQueen: *is contemplating nuclear annihilation on every one of their miserable lives, including Neil's*

Neil: Allow me to describe in extensive detail how Alison is reaching up my Benedict's boxers, like it's Indiana Jones searching a tomb

Benedict: I thrash around like a dying fish! I'm in pain from "over-stimulation"!

ZeldaQueen: I'm going to skip over an entire paragraph dedicated to the emotional torment Benedict's going through and the loving detail Neil put into the gropings to remind the viewers that there are seven chapters in this putrid mess, and we are on Chapter the Fifth. This entire mess began around the end of Chapter the Second. Meaning that Neil has, thus far, dedicated ALMOST AN ENTIRE HALF of his story to a sick initiation and a bunch of pervy girls. Good to know he still dreams on. I dream of shooting him in the junk!

Raxis: *double takes* It's really been that long?

ZeldaQueen: Yes. And the remaining chapters continue to detail the initiation. So really, roughly two of the seven chapters aren't dedicated to this, and one of those two chapters is still centered around a girl being molested. Charming, huh?

Raxis: Neil musta hated writing chapter 2, then. There was no sex!

Alison: I am bizarrely determined to get into Benedict's pants and grab his weiner. Accursed button, getting in the way of Nii-san this goal! Don't it know that this is the erection sticking through the boxers is a "promise of more and better to come"?

ZeldaQueen: Makes you nostalgic for the flacid penis line, huh?

Raxis: It makes me nostalgic for Airhead Black, that's what it makes me...

Alison: Ah ha! The button is off! For some reason, feeling his cock and balls gives me an unimaginable thrill! We were wondering if he was pubescent, and feeling his lower rug makes us certain! :D

Raxis: So what, she's like Gollum now?

Alison: Hark! There's his "tumescent penis"!

Raxis: And once again, using big words doesn't make you look smart, Neil.

Benedict: GTF OFF OF ME!

ZeldaQueen: *calmly* Like how that girl getting molested in the first chapter shouted for them to get off of her, perhaps?

Raxis: And Eggs manages to throw in another NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO while he was at it.

Victoria: *apparently failed to notice Alison's very obvious grabs for the cock*

Raxis: Uhh, wasn't Paul supposed to be keeping an eye on them?

ZeldaQueen: Hell, between them all, there should have been THREE PEOPLE who should have noticed this and stopped Alison! What, is Benedict's privates like the Louisiana Purchase territory, just so vast that it takes hours to explore it all?

Raxis: And for the record, Victoria seems to be part dog. She barks at Alison to stop. Bow wow, bitch.

Victoria: *getting Alison off of Benedict* Okay sugar, it's punishment time!

Alison: What? D: No! I'll be good!

Raxis: Like she didn't WANT it to happen.

Victoria: I show rare sensibility and don't buy this, mainly because Neil wants a lovely scene of us humiliating and punishing you in a sexual way. Go get a spanking from Paul

Alison: *whimpers and tries to act pathetic* "It was an accident…because he kept squirming and twisting round, I didn’t mean it"

ZeldaQueen: *dark and furious* Neil. THE LAST THING YOU NEED in this God-forsaken story IS TO HAVE ONE OF THESE CHARACTERS SAY "IT'S THE VICTIM'S OWN FAULT I MOLESTED HIM"!!!!

Raxis: Well don't forget said victim is fucking Eggs Benedict. Nothing is too bad for him.

ZeldaQueen: Normally yes, but I'm just so tired of this all that Neil going within a fifty-mile radius of that excuse makes me want to explode

Victoria: "’Little girl lost’ might work on your dad, but it’s not going to work  on me, and if he had any idea of what you got up to I doubt it would  work on him either"

ZeldaQueen: *raises eyebrows* Ah, so these little brats' parents don't know what they're up to. Interesting. Makes one even more curious about how this all gets by. Don't their parents wonder why they're in the forest, twenty four-seven? And it really does make me all warm and fuzzy, knowing that Alison has apparently turned into a sex offender under her parents' noses. Adult fear, anyone?

Raxis: In a manner of speaking, this could be a good lesson in that.

ZeldaQueen: I'm sure it could. Knowing Neil though, this is just a way to excuse them getting away with this all, saying their parents don't know about it

Alison: *whines a ton but goes to get spanked*

Neil: *draws the entire thing out, because it's more than obvious he loves it*

Paul: Allow me to make a very drawn-out and stupid speech about how you, Alison, have dishonored us all and thus will be spanked

Raxis: Really, the whole scene reads like Rose "You have impugned my family's honor!" Potter.

Paul: *removes Alison's underpants, pulls up her skirt so her ass is exposed, and spanks her*

Benedict: *forgets his trauma in a heartbeat and watches with interest, like the little pervert he is*

Raxis: And this is why I don't mind the victim blaming; it's happening to Eggs! :D

ZeldaQueen: *shakes head* It's so damned obvious this whole scene is for Neil's personal enjoyment. I mean, does a person seriously need to pull off underpants and pull up a skirt for a spanking? I'm pretty sure the force can be felt through cloth. It's not like they're in a British boarding school, after all

Raxis: This was written by NEIL, Queeny. Of COURSE the undies have to go!

Neil: *devotes seven entire paragraphs to the spanking, including loving descriptions of Alison's ass, Benedict's erections, and Our Hero's continued desire to molest a girl when this is over. After he himself has been strung up and humiliated. Yes, really*

Raxis: She's not kidding. It really happens.

Benedict: I can't see Alison's ladybits. I'm disappointed

Alison: *is weepy*

Victoria: Oh look, Benedict finally has a visible hard-on! Lovely! Allow me to fawn over the wet patches on his boxers

Alison: Can  we take off his boxers to clean them? :D

ZeldaQueen: *HEAD. DESK*


Raxis: Oh god, you naive chump. Haven't you fucking learned?

Victoria: Yes we did, and we totally aren't going to loophole out of that. Nope, really, don't even think about it. Hey look, someone at the door!

Benedict: *sees the unrevealed person at the door* OH SHIT! IT GOT WORSE!

ZeldaQueen: *tiredly* Truer words were never spoken

Raxis: Indeed. Nice working with you, Queeny! *flees*

ZeldaQueen: HEY! Two more chapters to go! Get back here! *to viewers* Rest up, ladies and gentlemen! *chases after Raxis*


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Raxis: Nah, I'm kidding XD I'll go rest my brain on some Dwarf Fortress :D See you guys. *Imagines Kitten Rot happening to these characters :'D*

Onward to: Chapter 6 - All Revealed

Back to: Chapter 4 - The Test (Part 2)

Return to: Table of Contents 4

nsfw, the fic: the gang, the newcomer, guest sporker: raxis, suethor: neil, chapter 5, cosporking

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