Round 7 Sign Up Ending Soon

Aug 05, 2011 00:07

Sorry about not being so active lately, but that's partially the fault of LJ. XD

This Friday (August 5) will be the last day to sign up for Round 7. Thank you all for signing up or showing interest so far~ This is shaping up to be an exciting round all because of you!

The schedule is as followed:
Sign Up: July 18 - August 5
Working Period: August 7 - September 4
Display Week: September 4 - September 12

So far I have one person expressing concern about not being able to complete his/her prompt in a month. If there are more people interested in a longer working period, I can officially extend the time limit to around 45 days or even 60 days. The reason why I'm considering an extension is that I noticed that the deadline for melorasworld's fanart contest over at the History of Hyrule is September 30. Her contest needs as much love and support as the exchange, and I don't want people to miss out on either the exchange or the contest because of the time constraint.

As usual, please use the sign up form when sending your requests: You can send your form either by emailing me (catyen [at] gmail [dot] com), posting your form in this entry, or noting me in DA. Because LJ has been kind of wonky lately, maybe it's better for you to email me.

So far the following people have signed up. If you do not see your name on the list and you did send in a form, please send it in again because I might have missed it completely.

LastHylianChevalier at DA
monkeykaos at DA
guardianlunnaei (Warrior-Spirit7)
Searaph - She makes beaded elastic bracelets, necklaces and earrings so if anyone's interested in bracelets and stuff, please make a note in your request when you sign up.
Regnboga (Empty Book)
Selenere - Besides drawing, can do crafts and modelling clay.

I don't normally ask for help, but this time around we have some unique requests and offers...

In the making department, currently we have two people (Searaph and Selenere) who are interested in making crafts. We also have someone who really wants to write (looking specifically for Marin-related prompt or prompts that work well as fic). I think I need to start recruiting writers to the group--our resident writer is getting a bit lonely. :( If you are interested in craft or fic, please contact me.

In the receiving department, I'm looking for someone who can fulfill any of these requests. I need a crafty person who can either make miniature items that can be attached to a cord or wearable items (like cap). I'm also looking for someone who likes to make icons or graphics. If you're interested in fulfilling any of these request, let me know. The person who made these requests did include some art requests so if you end up not deciding to do any of these crafty prompts, you can still have the choice of doing a drawing.

Based on the updated info, if you want to change or append your sign up sheet or if you can help in any way, please contact me asap either email.

Thank you!!

round 7, mods

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