[Dream] Though the Worlds May Change

Feb 09, 2009 22:54

[The dungeon looks as it always did, as any dungeon is expected too save one difference. Dank and dripping with various liquids, the smell of old blood and rotting things seeping through the stone. Rusted and stained implements lay everywhere, hang on the walls next to heavy chains and hooks and collars. Not even the rats will come here, no flies dare drone around this place.]

[But somehow the ceiling and all the floors above have gone missing today, like someone built four walls and forgot the roof. Open air and a soft breeze make the knives swing and rattle, stirring the stale flakes of grime.]

[And on the center torture table Sheik lies, one hand tucked behind his head and the other draped over his stomach. His cowl and shirt have vanished , and trails of red are seeping to the floor from under him. His throat is coated and sticky with the smell of copper, and he watches the sky. And smiles faintly.]

[Because really, this morning has a beautiful sky.]

[For those of you wondering what's going on, the dream database is here!

koholint_maiden, silent_sheikah

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