[In the middle of Hyrule Field, a strange tent appears. It seems to fluctuate in size and shape, one instant appearing large and imposing, and the next small and humble. One moment it is made of hides stretched over wooden poles, and another it is painted canvas and silk flags. One thing remains constant, however: the voice calling out from its depths:]
Link! Zelda! Anyone~!
[The opening of the tent yawns wide, but no matter how close one gets, the interior cannot be seen. The voice continues to call, sounding different to everyone's ears: for some, it is the cry of a damsel in distress. Others hear a child's laughter, full of the promise of fun and games. Still others hear a rich voice promising good food and a good story. The only way to discover what is happening is to
enter the tent.]
[Once your character enters the tent, a smooth glass bracelet immediately appears around his or her wrist. With the bracelet comes the Great Fairy's spell: your character cannot interact with those he or she normally does. The spell compels him to seek out those with whom he rarely interacts, for as long as he wears the bracelet. Of course, your character can choose to shatter the bracelet and break the spell at any time -- but if he does, he is immediately booted out of the tent. Want to re-enter? It is possible, of course: but the bracelet will return and with it, the restriction.]
Have fun with your new friends~!
[The tent itself is fairly comfortable: it magically adjusts itself to the needs of its occupants. It appears as a tavern might, albeit a strange one: tables and wooden benches are scattered about the floor, along with more comfortable plush chairs and couches for lounging. Walls pop up magically for those who prefer to talk away from prying ears; windows appear for those who prefer a view. Food and drink of every sort is available for those who desire it; fireplaces help chase away the chill of winter.]
[The Great Fairy's magic is powerful; the spell on this tent will not affect any plots or planning that are going on around Hyrule, so all characters are welcome -- and encouraged -- to enter.]
[ooc: Here is how the spell works: your character still knows who he is, and that he is in Hyrule, and any information he has learned from his stay. The only restriction is that he cannot speak with the people he normally would (i.e., those you normally/regularly thread with); instead, he is inexplicably drawn to those with whom he has had little or no interaction. This is a great way to jump out of your shell if you are new, or break out of your rut if you are not, or to tag that one person you have always wanted to, but never knew how to approach. This post is the brainchild of
fierce_deity, so please hit me up with any questions or concerns you might have!]