[The last time he'd seen the sun had been months prior, when he'd escorted Zelda on a ride just outside the castle grounds in the hunting woods kept for Kings of Hyrule past. Zelda was no king of Hyrule, that was true, but it wasn't like the woods were being kept for anyone other than the regent at the time
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The fates have been unkind to you, if you are only just arrived. You have landed here in the early days of a brewing war.
[She regards the newcomer not unkindly, but not with any particular warmth. At present, she has none to spare.]
You are of the Sheikah? There are a few like you here. Unless you are allied to the lord of darkness, I would suggest putting some considerable distance between yourself and the castle. It is no friendly place in this troubled time.
[She has her bow in one hand and the other poised to pull an arrow, in case he does identify himself as being allied to Ganon. But as far as she ever knew, the Sheikah were the guards of the royal family, so she reasons the odds are in her favor.]
I'm afraid this is the perfect time for me to act, Zelda. Put your bow away and let me escort you. My knives will be sufficient.
I am Zelda. I am not the Zelda you know, however.
I will try to be succinct, as time is precious. You are not in the Hyrule with which you are familiar. You have been brought here, as have we all, by some outside force which none can combat. And now this new Hyrule, populated as it is by Heroes and Princesses and Sheikah, is under threat of war by the Lord of Darkness, Ganondorf.
[She relents slightly, since clearly this individual is on friendly terms with his own Zelda.]
You may escort me if you wish; I must return to Kakariko.
I'll get you to safety, highness. And you look exactly like the Zelda I've protected since I was fourteen, so you'll forgive me if I get a little familiar.
I'll ask you to do your best to refrain from such familiarity. I am...unused to it from someone whom I do not know.
[She wills herself to relax, however, at least as much as she ever can relax at this point in time.]
The village is this way, if you'll follow me.
As you wish, lady. I'm quite used to...all forms of familiarity with you.
[He follows her, eyes never leaving her form.]
[All forms, hmm? Well, that's clear enough. She starts walking back toward the village, bow still firmly in hand.]
You recognize me quickly enough; am I correct in guessing that you also hail from a Hyrule besieged by Twilight?
Besieged, yes. I am your warden and caretaker in the Twilight, as my Sheikah heritage allows me to move freely. Am I correct in assuming you do not have a personal guard?
[Sheik thinks that's a shame, considering this Zelda is so jumpy. She probably needs a personal guard.]
Not as such. I have several close companions who consider it their duty to protect my well-being, and they will be displeased with me for having stolen away on my own in these troubled times, but no singular designated guard. I am among those leading the resistance against Ganon.
Well, my lady. As I need to adjust to this new Hyrule and this new war, please let me assign myself to your guard. I was always a valued confidant for my own Zelda in times of war and know much about strategy.
[He smirks a little, pleased with himself.]
All right. Thank you, that will be of great use to our side.
You may call me Jewel, if you wish. It's the nickname by which my friends tend to address me; there are several Zeldas here, and it reduces the confusion somewhat. Am I to call you Sheik?
[It seems to be the default; she wonders if there were ever Sheikah who weren't named thus.]
Jewel, then. I suppose you can refer to me as Sheik if that's easiest, though my own Zelda usually referred to me as her Sheikah Lord.
[Sheik leers surreptitiously.]
Anything you'd like, Jewel.
[She can well guess what sort of relationship this Sheik has with his own Zelda, and she resents being made to feel like a substitute. On the other hand, his skills and intelligence will almost certainly come in handy. It's a small price to pay for a valuable ally.]
You will find many Links in this land -- more than a dozen, I think -- as well as several Zeldas, and I know there to be at least one or two other Sheikah. Some are friendlier than others, but the majority of us share a common purpose in this fight.
Are any of your Zeldas missing their loyal retainers? I find you charming, Jewel, but the fact that you do not remember me troubles me to no end.
[She turns to face him.]
It would seem that there are multiple copies of the same world. I now know of at least three Twilit Hyrules who have representatives dwelling here. In my Hyrule, there are no Sheikah. I am sorry to distress you, but it's for the best that you understand how things are here before you go any farther.
I would not be a Lord of the Sheikah if such ill tidings distressed me. Sheikah live and die for the sorrows of the Royal Family.
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