Sep 27, 2008 11:59
[Soft, twanging notes ring out over Hyrule Field. The songs are unfamiliar--sitting on a low branch in a lone tree not far from Lon Lon Ranch, Sheik plays for the simple pleasure of playing, as others have done before him, plucking notes as they come into his mind, letting music flow through him. What a small joy, yet such a great joy, to sit beneath the blue sky, in the vast plain that smells of growing things, with the lyre, with the music, that is like a light in the tangled web of shadow within him. This world is a strange gift to him. In the other Hyrule he was aware always of his imminent death, his imminent return to the shadow, when Ganondorf is defeated and there is no more need for him to protect his lady. But here there are unknown dangers, and no quest of the hero, so might he go on with his lady forever?
A dangerous thought. No Sheikah could ever be unaware of the shadow, of the remain with her he risks eating her, as she knows. But here in the sun, in the tree, in the field, even shadow seems far away. A great joy.]
(ooc: many hearty apologies for my disappearance. orz internship ate my life. I can't stay away from this awesome DR so I'll be better about tagging; hope to continue playing with you all!)