[Din has a job to do here, she knows.]
[The chill of winter's frost still clings to this Hyrule, and she knows it's time to awaken the world again. It's time for warmth. Time for light. Time for Spring.]
[She makes her way to the center of Hyrule Field in the cool dimness of pre-dawn. The Temple of Seasons is where she really ought to be doing such things, of course, but that's not exactly an option, so this will have to do. At least she's surrounded by the elements and the earth spirits can reach her.]
[She kind of likes it here.]
[A long scarlet ribbon is attached to a triangular buckle on either side of her hips; the other ends are in each of her hands as she assumes the starting position of the Blessing of the Seasons. It won't be an immediate disappearance of Winter, but the dance will remind Spring that she is due.]
[There is no music; the cue comes inside Din's own head. She stands completely still until she knows it's time to begin, then begins to dance her Blessings. They start slowly, her feet mapping out patterns on the frosted grass, but as the dancing goes on she speeds up.]
[The ribbons in her hands rise up of their own accord and seem to burn. Din the dancing girl, she who laughs readily and smiles much, is gone; the woman in her place is serious, almost stern. As the dance goes on, the change becomes more pronounced. Evoking the seasonal Blessing reveals
her true form, and the exceptionally beautiful woman now instead resembles a very feminine human flame. As the sun slowly rises on this first day of Spring, the trees at the edges of the field begin, very gradually, to bud.]
Now end the days of bitter chill
Now shall come forth the flowers
Sing anew your song for the earth
Spirits of Spring!
(ooc: Pardon my enthusiasm! I've had this post ready to go for almost two weeks, even before the Fierce one asked if he could witness this rite. Din's a little distracted just now, but if you'd like your character to come and watch, feel free.)