[There's somebody actually going into Ganon's castle voluntarily. And it's the same somebody who left it only a few short weeks ago.
Jewel looks quite calm. She walks into the building and is immediately confronted by Anthony the moblin, who drools a greeting.]
Please tell your master that I would like an audience. Tell him...tell him the dove which was released has returned to the nest.
[She waits, patiently, for a response. She's not foolish; she came armed. She's unafraid of the castle's master, but his less sentient underlings might take it into their heads to do something stupid. So she keeps the bow and holy arrows firmly in her grip, watching for anything to advance.]
(ooc: Bet you're wondering what this is about. Essentially, Jewel's mun realized -- only took seven months to get it through my head -- that since it's a dressing room, continuity is fluid and, for that matter, optional. So after conferring with our esteemed mod and Ganny-mun, this is what I decided. Jewel's going to live in the village, just as she always has...but she's also going to live in the castle and try to keep Ganon reasonably content. Same character, same journal name, two different ways of life. This was at least partly inspired by
ordonian_cowboy and his freewheeling quantum existence; if he can do it, why not Jewel? The two sets of relationships will really have no impact on each other. I know it may get a little confusing, but I promise to do my best not to make it so. If you're ever interacting with Jewel and you aren't sure which 'version' you have, just drop me an ooc note, but the 'default setting' will be the one who lives in Kakariko's inn. Any questions, feel free to yell.)