[Out on one of the corners of Hyrule Field, away from all the places that people tend to stay, Link is kneeling low to the ground, intently scanning the horizon. He knows he heard something a moment ago, but now...
[Man... calm down. You're scarin' me, here...
[You know as well as I do, Zora, that he can't hear you.
[Then take control! You're strong enough to do it, right? Calm him down before he hurts somebody!
[...let him hunt.
[What the --?! You son of a bitch!
[Link isn't listening to them at all. He leans forward a little, his fingers digging into the dirt, and peers for any sign of movement, any sign of something alive. A monster would be preferable, but he's so damned hungry he'll take whatever he can get. As long as he can fight; as long as he can kill; as long as something bleeds.
[And he hears something nearby, so he starts moving, slowly creeping -- stalking -- across the ground. If he were thinking straight, he'd be fighting himself not to do this, but that isn't an option now. All he knows is that he's hungry and that there's prey not far ahead.
[Just a little more, a little closer, and he can drink his fill...]