Week 137 submit post.

Sep 08, 2007 19:35

Alright it's been a while since we had a race theme, so this week it'll be Zora. So... yeah anything with them is fine, as well as Zora!Link and the Zora mask. And I guess Zola also count, though I dunno who'd make an icon of those eight-bit annoyances. Whee!

Submit with your icon and icon URL.


(Honestly, I don't think I've ever iconed anything other than Link or Zelda...)

Anyway, icons are due Friday, nine PM EST. Have fun!

Also, someone help me out and list all the Zelda races you know. We've done Goron and Zora already, and I know there's still Deku, Hylian, and I guess Sheikah... but you could only really icon Sheik or Impa though I suppose people wouldn't mind that heh. Oh and Ordonian too? Or humans or whatever they're called, all I know is that their ears aren't pointed... and Twili and Gerudo and I think I've run out. Do fairies count? Oh and Kokiri. Damn there are a lot. And I haven't played WW or most of the 2D games so I dunno any of the ones from those. So yeah list them if you're interested in seeing them as a theme somewhere down the road. XD Thanks!

Oh screw all that, zombieful has pointed me toward the all-knowing Wikipedia, so, I dunno, look at that list and tell me which races you'd like a theme for since I don't want to make Zuna a theme and find out no one's played Four Swords or something, heh. XD

week 137: zora, !submit

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