Apr 18, 2006 22:18
so today i found out that since i have worked over 1000 hours at my job i now get holiday pay and a weeks vacation paid! i worked 7 hours on good friday and i'll be getting an additional 8 hours of pay for that day. i don't think i've EVER gotten holiday pay or vacation time at a job before. kick ass. so this also means i'll be getting paid for the days i take off (especially vegas!)
(intheclear) is playing a show in cincy the same night that greenwheel/relapse will be in columbus. we are trying to work times to get to both, but i don't think that will happen. i have my fingers crossed, that would be kick ass. (itc) just played a show with the cast of viva la bam and had don vito on stage with them rocking out. that rocks so hard. i guess they are supposed to air it on mtv. how weird would it be to see (itc) on tv? even for a second?
we really need to find out if the hard lessons playing at gvsu is students only and why it says on their myspace that they are playing at 3 but erin found on gvsu's website that they are playing at 7:30...