It's an adventure without an end forseen (pt. 3)

Jun 20, 2008 23:09

So I have been taking the advice, one day at a time. I'm being patient and it seems to be working. Or at least I feel better now, more relaxed. I must say I have been having some fun adventures in the meantime.

On that subject of fun adventures I've been hiking a lot lately in Buck Creek. At facebook I've been posting the pictures of mine and Amy's adventure down there. We got rather close to some deer that didn't notice us at all. Then we rode on bouncy animals in the "EXIT: DO NOT ENTER" park. Don't ask. We couldn't figure out the name of the park so we named it the first sign that we saw. Which was obviously what I just stated.

Today I drove up to Holland and kept Amy company while she toiled away on her last three papers for her summer class. I even added a few pieces of advice too. Now she'll for sure get an A. =P

For a future adventure it looks like after talking about it for YEARS I'm actually going to get to organize a camping outing. Amy and I thinking about going someplace close on the 14th and 15th of July. That's a Monday and Tuesday. P.J. Hoffmaster sounds intruiguing but I have to look up prices yet. We'll see what I find. Anyone interested in this little tiny excursion let me know ASAP!
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