Fri, 12:39: There’s a very great chance that I can condense all of my non-hangable clothes in this chest and I want to make it…
Fri, 16:14: There’s a sneeze threatening my life right now and none of the usual methods of making sneezes happen are working
Fri, 16:17: Also, I figured out via my massage yesterday that I probably have a rib out of place which has been that way for pr…
Fri, 17:34: RT @ Gingerhazing: I want to write a novel about a serial killer who turns all her victims into diamonds and wears them as a full collar nec…
Fri, 19:13: Do I know *ANYONE* who could POSSIBLY acquire a PAX East Dungeon Mistress shirt for me? #DnD
Fri, 22:12: i feel like i got skyrim for the wrong console
Fri, 22:13: LaTia as a D&D character: Your race is Half-Elf. Your class is Druid. Your stats are: Strength: 9 Dexterity: 8 Con…
Fri, 22:24: i don't know where the heck this darn cough came from but by golly it needs to leave
Fri, 22:25: how the heck am i 10 followers away from 500, what are you all doing here
Sat, 06:27: I had a very elaborate dream involving Mollymauk being used to plan a fake murder??? There was iocane powder involved somehow
Sat, 10:48: RT @ itskindred: this is the best advice I've gotten on writing cover letters, hands down. I refer back to it before every applying to any g…