Apr 17, 2007 10:41
Day three of non-smoking. The cats are running for cover as I eat everything in the apartment. I'm chewing on a table leg as I write this. Tasty. I decided to go cold turkey (mmmm...turkey) since the stuff to help quit smoking costs more than a pack of cigarettes. It's been a month since the wife quit smoking and it was just a matter of time until I bit the bullet too (mmmm...bullet).
In other news, the news. Reaction to the VT massacre is coming in from around the globe. "This is as American as apple pie." Fucking europeans. I'm sure the great gun control debate will get a "shot in the arm" over this. Unfortunately, the great psycho control debate probably won't.
Next up on the disjointed rant, I'll give my leftover half a pack of Newport 100's to anyone who will punch the next hockey announcer that spends ten minutes telling us how great Sidney Crosby is. It's easy enough to the the "next Great One" with a great team on the ice with you. Ray Emery, if you're reading this, just pretend he's Biron. If newports aren't your thing then I can give you three bags worth of life savers wrappers and a slightly chewed table leg (mmmm...table).