Randomizer Drabble 1-2

Feb 04, 2006 14:58

Title: Untitled Drabble 1
Series: Prince of Tennis
Prompt: Tezuka Kunimitsu / Ishida Tetsu::Nail polish
Rating: G

Getting ready for a match wasn’t a quick process for Ishida Tetsu. For one thing, that towel wasn’t going to put itself on his head… and for another thing, he was terribly superstitious (and gullible). He didn’t quite know what to do with himself the day he heard someone-was it Tachibana’s sister?-discussing the possibility of nail polish reducing drag coefficients or something scientific like that. Anyway, it sounded good, and it sounded fast. Sure, Ishida knew his hadokyuu had power, but where was the speed that would push it up a notch? It was worth a try… Thus, there he sat on a bench, thirty minutes before his match with Seigaku’s Fuji-Kawamura pair, with a bottle of clear nail polish beside him. Just another part of the routine…

Tezuka Kunimitsu wasn’t the captain of Seigaku’s team for nothing. He was intelligent, observant, and really pretty good at tennis, if he did say so himself. He was also sensible and logical, which is why seeing one of Fudomine’s team members painting his nails was slightly brain-breaking. What was more confusing was the intense look on the boy’s face. It was as if his entire performance depended on getting that nail polish perfectly smooth…

What strange people there were playing tennis these days.

Title: Untitled Drabble 2
Series: Prince of Tennis
Prompt: Kurobane Harukaze / Niou Masaharu::4 AM
Rating: PG for language

The phone was ringing. It was breaking up perfectly nice dreams of strip volleyball, too, which set Kurobane’s initial waking mood to bad. He turned his head to glance at the clock on his nightstand, then groaned loudly. Who the hell was calling at 4 AM? Grumbling and barely resisting the urge to thrust the phone under his pillows and ignore it, Bane clicked it on. "This had better be good," he muttered into the receiver. There was a slight, low laugh on the other end of the line, and then...

Kurobane's eyes flew open and his foot-no, his entire LEG-twitched. "Amane! What the fuck do you mean calling me at this hour with your stupid puns?" The voice on the other end of the line said nothing, but simply let out a huff and a short laugh. After a few moments of silence, there was a parting shot in the form of yet another pun and a click, followed by a dial tone. He didn’t even have anything substantial to say? Why that little… Eventually Bane drifted back into his last few hours of sleep, head now filled with plans of the many ways he was going to show his appreciation to Davide at school the next day.

Meanwhile, a suitably safe distance away, long fingers ran through silver hair and stocking feet thudded to rest atop the desk of Niou Masaharu, master trickster and part-time insomniac. He’d be sure to thank Yagyuu in the morning for acquiring that Rokkaku roster. A sly smile crossed the boy’s face. Sometimes subtle revenge was much sweeter than the most complicated prank. And maybe it would teach the Amane punk not to call people hedgehogs.

Whoo, short little things, aren't they? I haven't written drabble much, but it's fun when you get inklings. I'm actually not happy with the end of the second one, but I hope these made some people smile a bit! Yes, they're supposed to be funny.

prince of tennis, drabble

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