Title: A Hint of Magic
Series: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Matsumoto Jun and the rest of Arashi
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, not real, etc.
Summary: Arashi goes to Hogwarts. 'Nuff said.
Notes: I don't know why I wrote this, but it's the longest fic I've ever written. Beta by
honooko. ~2500 words.
windrette and I apparently agree on the houses;
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Comments 55
I disagree though. MORE MAGIC! MOAR I SAY!
THANK YOU <3 I actually had a lot of fun writing it.
Cuuute. But I told you that already. Still. Cuuute.
You're the second person to tell me to write more. I'll have to think about it!
YAY! So...that's like a possible yes? x] I'll love you even more than I already love you for writing this if you write more :D
I don't think that made sense...but oh well.
It's a possible yes. I'd have to think of plot and I really fail at deep, involved plot. XD But if I get an idea, I'll be sure to write it.
I was thinking about doing a K8 version, though.
and nino in slytherin ROTFL it surprised me when jun was placed there too but then again it also didn't.
overall just supercute :)
I can see Ohno becoming a prefect for Hufflepuff in a few years and being completely dumbfounded by it. XD And of course Sho will be Head Boy someday. Nino being in Slytherin was COMPLETELY not my idea, but I loved it so much when my friend said it that I had to agree!
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