Okay. So. Me an' @pyrebi went from talking about the difficulties of writing Tony Stark and Dean Winchester IC-ly to me mentioning Steve Rogers/Dean Winchester and that. spiraled.
After a few aborted attempts at figuring out how that'd work, @pyrebi proved herself a genius and here's where the tweets I saved kick in:
pyrebi: NEW PLAN-2014!AU. Power struggles over survivors! Captain fuckin' America can back the fuck off or he'll learn if he's bulletproof.
pyrebi: Damn it, why does everything always devolve to zombie apocalypse hatesex with me.
pyrebi: OMG, and eventually the groups band together for a while, but while Steve's out on recon, alt!Dean shows up. And then Dean gets his neck snapped and the end of the world happens and everything is dead forever! :D ...okay, need a new plan.
zekkass: Steve or any other Avenger shows up while Dean's facing off with Lucifer and change that outcome significantly. (Thor vs Sam!Lucifer)
pyrebi: OMFG YES. And Thor can be all "wtffff happened while I was gone?" AND IT TURNS OUT ANGELS ARE FROM ANOTHER OF THE NINE REALMS Y/N?
zekkass: Y! I like that! :D (epic Thor+Steve+Dean finding and reuniting the Avengers adventures happen then, y/n?)
zekkass: &while it's then not quite end-of-the-world/edge-of-oblivion fumbling/sadness, it's still a long hard road back out of the nightmare
#picturing Dean and Thor standing off re Sam's survival
pyrebi: Ugh, yes, and bb!Dean is all "SAM" and 2014!Dean is so fucking torn and Thor's all "percussive solution is the best solution."
zekkass: ...I'm honestly not sure what Steve would think of this. I mean, besides thinking of Bucky.
pyrebi: I think Steve'd be torn too. Because it's the equivalent of brainwashing--it's not Sam's fault, but the whole world for one man?
zekkass: ..sudden echoes of Thor and Loki here. Hoo.
pyrebi: Both Thor and Dean strike me as the sort of people to be sympathetic to others' brotherly bonds only in rational times.
zekkass: Mm. Then percussion for Sam and Lucifer, and Thor'll take the responsibility for doing what needed to be done?
pyrebi: Like Dean would be all for seeing Loki's head on a spike and Thor would think Sam is a threat best seen neutralized.
pyrebi: Well, I mean, I doubt Dean's protests would have an impact, but Steve could probably stop him from percussioning Sam to bits.
zekkass: But there's the question: would Steve stop him?
pyrebi: This conundrum is the best conundrum. I guess it really depends on if Steve and Dean established a trenches-rapport earlier.
zekkass: Depends on that, and depends on if Steve took away any lessons from their encounter with Loki. #norightanswer #whatwouldtonydo
pyrebi: I think, for the sake of the rebuild in this particular scenario, Steve would have to come down on the side of saving Sam.
zekkass: Then he talks Thor down, and then we get adventures for everyone. \o/ #zombiefighting
zekkass: I'm picturing a kind of Natasha and Clint VS the world situation, at least to wherever they wound up.
pyrebi: That's EXACTLY what happened. Killin' zombies, living off found items, being badass. Maybe they were on a mission when it happened?
zekkass: Yes, that works. :D Now picturing Clint almost shooting Dean before Steve goes 'waitaminute HEY GUYS'
pyrebi: I'm trying to decide if everyone is all "wtf how are we back together" or just coolly "of course we all survived, we're Avengers."
zekkass: Of course, there has to be at least one 'I thought you were dead' / '*eyebrow raise*' scene. (Steve + Natasha in my head there)
pyrebi: I think another question is "where the hell have Tony and Bruce been?" I imagine Tony has bunkers for things like this.
pyrebi: I'm torn between Bruce working on a croat cure and just being perpetually hulked out until he's found.
zekkass: Having really really really stressful nights going between bunkers trying to a) help people, b) make a cure and c) stay alive.
pyrebi: AWWWW. Of course Steve thinks everyone is dead! That's happened to him before--all alone in a wildly different and dangerous world.
zekkass: :( poor bb. (so it's really nice in this instance to give him his team back)
pyrebi: Imagine how relieved he'd be, that bright spot in the middle of all the shit. And then ALL of them alive, ALL OF THEM. ;_________;
zekkass: ;_____; all the tears for this. Just...Bruce and Tony showing up at the camp one day, carrying supplies from the last bunker and their in-progress cures and if Steve's on watch he goes 'wait' and can't believe it for a solid minute and then Clint thumps him and opens the gate before trouble comes down and then - well, Tony never turns down hugs, once he's proven that he's not a monster or a dream - same for Bruce, and then jawdrops from Bruce and Tony as Thor sticks his head out
pyrebi: How did they find them? Was it dumb luck? Did they catch a glimpse of Steve and flip out, thinking they were the last sane men?
zekkass: Well - if Steve's staying with Dean's camp / or the remnants of it, and if they broadcast that survivors should come to them then Bruce insists they do yet another good act and bring along supplies for the survivors / see if they need a doctor because while Bruce is more prone to Hulking out these days Tony's pretty good at getting the Hulk directed away from him/civilians. and Bruce can't hide in a bunker and not help, and Tony can't risk losing him, so... so - Tony has a radio rigged, they hear about this camp, they finally move out to check it, and :O the gang's all here
pyrebi: Okay, I literally just went "eeeeeeeeeee" and clapped my hands. Ugh, post-apocalyptic reunions are my FAVORITE.
pyrebi: fffffff yes. And Tony can be all "shoulda known you'd be out roughing it, Cap" but is totally so happy and touchy-feely.
zekkass: Did you see Thor? Do you remember him being found by the Warriors Three & Sif? I expect that kind of thing from him, too.
zekkass: Dean shows up, goes 'who are these people' and Thor goes 'these are my friends / shieldbrothers' with Steve backing him up on this
pyrebi: YES I LOVE THAT PART OF THOR. "MY FRIENDS, THIS IS GOOD!" Ugh, Thor would be hugging and thumping everybody.
pyrebi: I really, really love the idea of Bruce hulking during the initial outbreak and not being able to dehulk due to constant threats so he ends up just smashing croats for weeks and weeks until Tony happens to pick up his signal and goes to fetch his buddy.
zekkass: In which case Tony works alone on a cure / scans the radio for camps so he can deliver supplies (Iron Man armor still working?)
zekkass: And then there can be recovery!Bruce, who's weakened due to prolonged hulking and Tony being totally freaked out and stressed.
zekkass: Excellent, yes. This all goes down before Thor shows up / they find the team, I assume
pyrebi: Of course! And I assume the suits are still working. Tony probably has many by 2014, and I'm sure he has a ton of arc generators.
zekkass: Still picturing Tony & Bruce walking towards the gates together, lugging supplies / briefcase armor along, b/c no panicking civvies
zekkass: Iron Man may be bulletproof, but they really shouldn't be wasting bullets on him. Best not to spook 'em.
pyrebi: Well, if we assume he started near Malibu and has been bunker-hopping since, it'd make sense that he's JUST NOW finding the others.
pyrebi: I think that's best. At that point, most of the bunkers are probably down, and the suits highly damaged. Packed armor is smart.
zekkass: So he goes along checking bunkers/salvaging/dispenses supplies to those in need, and finally arrives in a place near the Hulk. Then as Bruce recovers they travel the rest of the way towards wherever Steve & co are
pyrebi: Yup. And if we go with Detroit as the last known location for Steve's merry band, it'd put the meet-up somewhere in the midwest.
zekkass: See, now, this is why zombie apocalypse AUs are awesome. because reunions and that tiny glimmer of hope...
pyrebi: I love it, it's the best. Just that unbelievable spark of joy. Like, I nearly cried when Rick found his family on Walking Dead.
zekkass: And...in a way, I think having superheroes mixed in helps even more, b/c I can't help but think - once they're together, nothing can stop them from saving the world somehow.
pyrebi: I agree! If we go the mythical route, Thor can neutralize the archangel threat. Bruce and Tony fix the plague. Steve coordinates
zekkass: Natasha and Clint keep the Croats off of them while Tony and Bruce work their science magic.
pyrebi: Those two were BORN to be pointmen during a zombie apocalypse. They're probably keeping score with each other.
zekkass: They shout numbers at each other during battle/during watch/etc, which is at first confusing and then ':O how many' for bystanders
pyrebi: I do feel bad for Dean and company, though--now they have to deal with the full deck of Avengers. xD
zekkass: 2014!Cas VS Tony, go.
pyrebi: Only a "vs" in the sense of "who can have the most orgasms, go."
zekkass: and Sam is bundled up at one end of camp, with Thor on watch 90% of the time in case Lucifer tries something. unless Thor could literally burn/remove an angel from a vessel. So Sam's Lucifer-free
pyrebi: YESSSSS. And Sam is all "I'm me, for real" and slowly he and Thor kind of get to talking, suspiciously at first.
pyrebi: I mean, he might have to pop back to Asgard for the info/equipment to do that. Eeeek, that would be tense times.
zekkass: Oooh, yes. Thor will be gone for [x] days to find a way to rid Sam of Lucifer, and it's the most tense the camp has been since before Thor showed up period.
pyrebi: Thor could have him bound somehow, but still there, and everybody's at each others' throats, and they have to set up watches... ...not just to protect the world from Lucifer but also to protect Sam from people who just want him dead and gone.
zekkass: I expect Dean(s?) take up most of the watches, because Sam is his brother and his responsibility, damn it
pyrebi: Oh for sure. But Steve takes some too. Imagine him thwarting an attempt to kill Sam? Dean would be sick over it but SO SO GRATEFUL.
zekkass: Yes. Yes yes yes. This. Especially since this is the second time Steve's saved Sam - he pulled Thor off of him earlier
zekkass: Hey, is bb!Dean still around, or is he gonna come back to Zach and do a 'HAH nice try buddy'
pyrebi: I think he probably gets pulled back in media res, looking like things are going to end badly, for Zach's purposes.
zekkass: Right. Seconds before Thor appears, Dean gets pulled back. Sorry, dude.
zekkass: and then 2014!Dean gets to have a private moment of 'oh you son of a bitch' to himself re: Zach and this thing from long ago
pyrebi: Ohhhhhh. Oh my god, that is so good. Yes yes yes. Dean's been here before, he knows how it goes...and then, and then...
zekkass: And then this smiling god comes from the sky.
pyrebi: -rolls around- C-c-c-combo breaker! It's all new from there, baby.
zekkass: In the best possible way. :D I love this AU
pyrebi: Me too~ OH! How popular would Clint be, with his nearly silent weapons? Every morning he has to go out to retrieve arrows, Pulling them out of eyesockets and shit. Luckily he has Nat to cover him when he's outside of shelter.
pyrebi: I also like that we were so invested in figuring out the plotting that we utterly failed to insert any ships. xD
zekkass: lolololol well Avengers/Avengers reunion cuddlepile, and then Cas invites himself, and it spirals?
pyrebi: Oh 2014!Cas, what will we do with you. Oh! There's someone who probably got spared by Steve's existence!
zekkass: Steve wouldn't let them get killed :D
pyrebi: Yup! FFFFFFF--maybe 2014!Dean sent Steve with the others on that suicide mission except he actually helped them all survive it!
zekkass: Steve: more competent than Dean realized. *way* more competent.
pyrebi: -flail- Maybe Steve hasn't exactly told anyone he's Captain America, because that title seems kind of silly these days.
zekkass: ohoho, yes yes yes. Does he have his shield? (did he repaint it/scuff the paint?)
zekkass: Steve hasn't explained who he is because - look. If Captain America showed up I'd look to him for solutions to EVERYTHING.
zekkass: and he doesn't have...enough, so to speak. So he goes as Steve and does what he can.
pyrebi: And this is just like...oh. Okay, um. That dude ain't normal. And he's friends with the sky-dude with the hammer WHAT IS GOING ON.
zekkass: ahahaha, yes, exactly. doesn't help when Thor keeps referring to him as Captain. (then Nat n' Clint show up and welp)
pyrebi: Oh, that's gorgeous. He's overwhelmed, he can't be the Captain. Maybe he loses the shield and it's found/returned to him later?
zekkass: I'm seeing a private post-Thor-arrival moment between Steve and Dean. 'Okay, 'just Steve', who are you really?'
zekkass: Oh, I like that. No shield, not until...now I'm picturing a moment where Natasha and Clint find it and think 'oh no'
zekkass: But they take it with them anyways - it's a good shield. It saves their lives a few times, and is a great umbrella - and okay, Clint shouldn't have said that, bad time for a joke when Steve's almost tearing up at the sight of the thing
pyrebi: THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKING. And they arrive and Steve's thrilled to see them and THEY HAVE HIS SHIELD and it's almost too much.
zekkass: and then literally a day or two later Tony and Bruce show up and it really is too much
pyrebi: Oh god, can you imagine them finding it, and realizing there might be a croat out there that used to be Steve? That one day soon they might have to put Captain America down? And they don't talk about it, but it sits with them sometimes at night.
zekkass: They never, *ever* bring that up to Steve himself. He just gets bonus protective-ness from them / relief that he's fine
pyrebi: It's this domino effect, like they're supposed to be together. Steve's alone for months, and then in the course of a week, boom.
zekkass: Now I get to reflect on Fury's words from the end of the movie - something along the lines of 'when we need them they'll come'
pyrebi: Ugh, and they do! They come, despite reason, despite the odds, and the world has a chance again. Dean just...it boggles him.
zekkass: Good things NEVER happen to Winchesters, see.
pyrebi: No, they really don't. But for these fuckers? But the world didn't end, and he got Sam back, and maybe, just maybe, it'll be okay.
zekkass: And I'd like to think that for once - they catch a break. Nothing goes horrifyingly wrong along the road back to sanity.
And then we went to bed. And then I woke up and discovered that @pan_pandeus saw our conversation and wrote this:
ficlet inspired by the ideas.
and \o/ love this AU.