It's that time of year, so...

Dec 01, 2011 07:54

Compared to last year I'm not going to be as busy this Christmas season - primarily as I'm not going to be offering ficlets this year.

I have things to write beyond finish my NaNo, though - I could copypasta what I owe writing-wise and so on, but simply put? I'm taking this month for myself. Attempting to clean the plate somewhat so I can have more time for some original stuff / write stuff I owe so I don't feel guilty over spending a lot of time on original stuff. (Or stuff in fandoms about maybe one person here would recognize :P)

I think I've run the gauntlet with Supernatural, though - I'm slowly shifting away from wanting to write for it, and I know that I need to read more fics to remedy that, so...yes. I am confident that I can complete what I've signed up for/volunteered to write/can do c_f prompts when the mood strikes, but on the whole...idk. I could come back in a week and go 'nevermind! I'm in love again!' but we shall see.

We shall see.

writing babble, babble

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