I am completely aware that the previous ficlet isn't my usual fare, especially as it's got fluff and Zachariah in the same page, but...hee
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I fear I cannot help with income, but I wish you luck in getting it - it is v. good, and IMHO it is worthy of being labeled SMTIV, even if it didn't get the title in the end.
Do I need to know the plot of FF Tactics/FF Tactics Advance 1? Because if so I'll devote more time to my PS2 in the next few months. If I don't need that info, then I will happily go look for it. :D
Yeah, I'll probably cave in and get it soon. I just know I'm only gonna have a job until September so I have to be careful what I spend my money on haha.
Nope! The story and main characters have nothing to do with the story and cast of FFTA. If memory serves, FFTA:2's plot actually has more in common with FF12 than it does with any of the other Tactics installments, though there are insignificant-but-cool references to all the Ivalice games. (You don't need to know anything about 12 to play it-- it just makes a couple optional characters you get late-game that much more amusing.)
Ahhh, gotcha. Good luck with that stuff. (And I do rec getting SMT:SJ used, if at all possible. Makes it easier on the wallet)
Excellent! Then I will have something else to suck all the time out of my day. XD (And for the record, I am 100+ hours into FFXII...sidequests, see. Forget about the plot, the sidequests are where it's at. :P)
Oh man, FF12 is such a timesink, with all the hunts-- I loved every minute of it. Didja meet Hellwyrm yet? I really need to make a save file before I fight him next time, it's just an insanely fun battle.
My files combined probably add up to something like 350+ hours. I think the only thing I didn't complete in 12 was getting all the rare items, because some of the rare spawns that dropped them were just dreadful to hunt down (Larva Eater comes to mind).
About a month later I have an update on my opinion of FFTA2 and holy cow is it addictive. I'm not very far into it yet, but I expect I'll be racking up hours - I get into the mindset of 'one more mission! just one! then I'll turn it off!' and welp. >.>;;
Do you have any tips or things I should keep in mind while playing?
It's a fairly forgiving game, and if you fail missions you can re-do them. I remember human units being pretty crappy, so if you can you might want to recruit some other race, I guess, and not waste your time training a gaggle of humans just cos the game offered them to you. I'm biased toward viera, myself, but they can be game-breakers so they might not fit your play-style. Spellblade in particular is easy mode, but it's an advanced class.
Oh, and you can get some really great items very early once the auctions open up, but it takes some practice to get the hang of them-- you might want to save before trying the first few times. Past a certain point in the game I literally never lost an auction, though.
*takes notes* I have one human (besides the main characters that I can't boot) that I'm keeping and otherwise I've got a mix of units. I have a bias towards Bangaa but I'm happy to have anything and everything - unlocking classes is fun! \o/
I'll keep Spellblade in mind for when I want to break the game. :D
And save before auctions, check. I save before everything in general, as I'd hate to screw something up. (Re-doable missions or not I hate to lose)
DS games - I played the shit out of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2. Over a hundred hours.
Do I need to know the plot of FF Tactics/FF Tactics Advance 1? Because if so I'll devote more time to my PS2 in the next few months. If I don't need that info, then I will happily go look for it. :D
Nope! The story and main characters have nothing to do with the story and cast of FFTA. If memory serves, FFTA:2's plot actually has more in common with FF12 than it does with any of the other Tactics installments, though there are insignificant-but-cool references to all the Ivalice games. (You don't need to know anything about 12 to play it-- it just makes a couple optional characters you get late-game that much more amusing.)
Excellent! Then I will have something else to suck all the time out of my day. XD (And for the record, I am 100+ hours into FFXII...sidequests, see. Forget about the plot, the sidequests are where it's at. :P)
My files combined probably add up to something like 350+ hours. I think the only thing I didn't complete in 12 was getting all the rare items, because some of the rare spawns that dropped them were just dreadful to hunt down (Larva Eater comes to mind).
XD Ah, the fun of games, and the time that goes into them...
Do you have any tips or things I should keep in mind while playing?
It's a fairly forgiving game, and if you fail missions you can re-do them. I remember human units being pretty crappy, so if you can you might want to recruit some other race, I guess, and not waste your time training a gaggle of humans just cos the game offered them to you. I'm biased toward viera, myself, but they can be game-breakers so they might not fit your play-style. Spellblade in particular is easy mode, but it's an advanced class.
Oh, and you can get some really great items very early once the auctions open up, but it takes some practice to get the hang of them-- you might want to save before trying the first few times. Past a certain point in the game I literally never lost an auction, though.
I'll keep Spellblade in mind for when I want to break the game. :D
And save before auctions, check. I save before everything in general, as I'd hate to screw something up. (Re-doable missions or not I hate to lose)
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