Tired post

Jul 09, 2011 08:38

Which means I might take this all back tomorrow. :P

A few things. A) I think I'm getting into that mood where things are just bothersome, like LJs. I hope it passes quickly.

B) Weekends are the bane of all productivity and my rhythm. I was writing this morning. But my parents got up as Dad's got the weekend off and watched a movie and now I am scrambled and can't do anything really.

C) Cyborgfic. I want to write more, I have an objective, I will have great fun with it...I just need to be tied to the keys and forced to work on it. *sigh*

Why is it so HARD to make myself write sometimes?

D) I'm probably going to bed in half an hour and waking up and staring at this post and wondering why I made it. Oh well.

E) A Song of Ice and Fire is getting too popular too quickly and it is all over my flist and let me just make it clear that a) I own the books, b) not in the mood to read them and get into it again, and c) if I get forced into this I am not going to like it. Just...need that in the open. Don't let me stop any squee, just understand that I probably won't join in.

warning for strong opinions, whiiiiine, mope, babble

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