Questions meme!

Jun 20, 2011 06:11

Comment with "bring it on!" and:
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions (but only if you want to).

With questions from _bluebells and nights_fang respectively. :)

1) If you could learn any instrument (that you don't already know), what would it be?

I have to sit and think about this one. I don't know any instruments currently but I used to be decent at piano and could play the scale with a trumpet, but I want to say a sitar or a ram's horn or something exotic, but piano would be fun. :)

2) What is your favourite ordinary!angel/archangel couple from Supernatural and why?

I don't have favorite pairings, really, but the one that immediately sprang to mind was Uriel/Gabriel. I loved their dynamic when I wrote their sections in my NaNo, I love what small amount of fic I've found for them, and their dynamic just works for me. As a bonus, I always think of antique gold when I think of them and that's just a pleasure color to be working in. :)

3) Do you have a favourite trope and, if so, what do you enjoy the most about it?

I actually don't have one. There are too many to list and I really like a lot of them, so...yeah. Sorry. Next question!

4) What is your favourite kink to write about vs to read about (note: the kink need not be sexual)?

I don't have a favorite here, but in general? In general I like writing almost anything...but if it can be written by someone else who's a good writer, I love it a lot more. There's a difference between knowing how it goes and reading someone else's work, yeah? (And this stands out to me especially with body-swapping. I love reading it, but I've only written once and probably won't do more of it.)

5) I hear you draw! Do you have a preferred style or method for this (e.g. oils, charcoal, line art, water colour, etc.)?

I usually do painting. A light sketch on the canvas, then acrylic paints over that. I usually do animals, but occasionally I do landscapes and abstracts. This does not mean I'm good at it. :P I put my hours of practice and energy into writing, not painting, see.

And no. I don't draw. Nothing more than doodles. I'm really kind of terrible at it.

--- and now nights_fang's questions.

1. What are your favourite genres to read?

Fantasy / Sci-Fi, hands down. I can't rank either of them over the other as my mood swings from one to the other, so let's just go with those. I'd say that 85% of everything I've read has been in those genres.

2. Likewise favourite genrea to write?

Whatever genre my fandom is in! XD For original fic though, fantasy stuff. Usually. Not that I write too much original stuff.

3. Other than Angel Sanctuary, Supernatural, and Jeeves and Wooster, what are you favourite fandoms?

A Bit of Fry and Laurie! I've been in it for what feels like forever and I just adore it. :3 Also, Shin Megami Tensei (not that I go too much into it on LJ...I should write more for it though), Trilby's Notes/Chzo Mythos, and a smattering of others.

Past fandoms include Whose Line is it Anyway?, Red Dwarf, and others I'm not remembering very well right now.

4. What type of character do you like and why?

Hrm. This is a question I feel like I should sit down for an essay on, but...I can sum it up as interesting characters. Also characters I can care about, or be drawn to their dark natures. I like smart characters, and...there is a specific type.

I'm not sure how to describe it, but the...friendly/smart characters in a bad situation who probably could get out the bad situation but have been beaten down so badly they don't try. I know I'm being oddly specific. That's 'cause I'm thinking specifically of a few OCs of mine and I just really like that.

5. Oh yeah, all time favourite movie?

Um. Star Wars: A New Hope, Star Trek: Save the Whales, The Prophecy, Jesus Christ Superstar, How to Train Your Dragon, the Wiz, a whole chunk of Disney movies (Lion King especially) and Cats the musical.

I know that's not a single favorite but I just don't have one. :P


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