(Long) Status report

Jun 18, 2011 04:12

Hoo. I feel a bit like I dropped off the face of the internet for the past week - posting fic notwithstanding - as I haven't been reading my flist/answering comments/etc. That and I think I was in a daze for yesterday and today.

It's good to see you all again, if I may say so.

This is the latest news about me, as I've had some stuff happen.


> IRL Family stuff: Brother is going to Germany within a month for a week or two. (I'm not sure on when or how long, just that it's coming up.) My Mom is getting back into painting again on a regular basis so I've been painting a few pieces as well. My Dad is...well, he's the same as usual. He has next week off, so I might come back with sudden trips to places stories next week. In general we're fine.

> IRL Me stuff: It occurred to me yesterday that it's been about a year since I finished High School for good. So looking back on this year...I've written. A lot. I'm proud of that. I've found a way to get a small income so my Dad doesn't give me allowance anymore - I earn it independently. I'm gradually improving with other life things and I think I figured out my sleep rhythm. I'm naturally nocturnal, so working out when I prefer to sleep...that took time.

I digress. I can safely say that I am happier and doing a ton better since school ended.

(I also attribute some of that success to a new medication I went on last year around May, and that has seriously helped as well.)

> LJ stuff: I am debating cutting a few people from my flist as we haven't commented/talked in months. I haven't actually cut anyone yet, but there's your warning: if I cut you and you want me to friend you again, let me know. :) (And if any accidental cuts occur, let me know so I can do the 'D: oops!' and refriend you.)

> Archiving: I'm not putting everything on AO3. There's a lot of my stuff that's just...well, it's kind of a hassle to put it up, some of the writing I don't like anymore, etc etc. Some works will go up, but seriously? If you want my fic, I'm on LJ. And if LJ dies I have all of my c_f fic saved and my LJ backed up so my fics posted here are safe. :) (and I back it up on a regular basis)

Also, that masterlist of my fic? I'm leaving it as is at the moment, but I know I need to update it. I'm just not up for that kind of housekeeping often. In any case: check the tags! Everything is tagged. And A.S. fic is under 'spn needs moar angel sanctuary' because it's all crossover stuff and I haven't bothered to make a specific set of A.S. tags. :P

> Writing: I'm working by what my mood is, at the moment. I can sum it up as kink bingo fics, work on my SPN/Startopia fusion fic, and a Gabriel/Crowley ficlet for sycophantastic that I should have written a week ago. Those three are my priorities...but again! If a plotbunny attacks I'll follow it.

Also, I didn't write yesterday or the day before. I'm feeling a bit guilty over it, but that's normal. I've to keep reminding myself that I can be completely unproductive some days.

> Gaming: The stars aligned, I had saved enough money, and now I have a Nintendo DS and the game SMT: Strange Journey. \o/ I got it two days ago...which explains why I wasn't writing. :P I try not to bore my flist with too much gaming squee, but I must say this: Strange Journey rules. I am enjoying it immensely and it's giving me such fond flashbacks to SMT1+2 without having the clunky control scheme those games had. <3

> LPs + TV Shows: I'm not watching any ongoing shows at the moment. I am nearly finished rewatching .hack//sign and I'm halfway through .hack//roots, and I really, really love that hour of my day. (Though roots has some issues. >.> Watching it after sign is really disorienting and kinda sad. Interesting show, but I doubt I could safely rec it to anyone like I could sign.)

On the LP front I am almost halfway through my Deadly Premonition watch. I swear, it is a television show - each episode is about an hour, it has a compelling plot, great humor and characters...I could see it airing on some TV network and being a hit. Except that it's an LP. Oh well. In any case: <3 York, <3 SGF, <3 DP.

> LJ issue: It seems my account + add on for icons is expiring soon/now, and as I need some time to rebuild my money stores after the sudden splurge of 'omg I can afford a NDS' I will simply have to suffer with fifteen icons and a plus account. Bleh. :P I'll deal.

> Finally: Looking above at this I can say that I am really lucky with my life at the moment and here again I'm not in a position where I can complain about much. Ah well. First world problems are still problems but some of these problems are really silly in perspective.

And that's a wrap. Overly long status report that I doubt many of you will read, but I feel better for writing it, so it's good. :D

weirdweirdweird, wooooooo, video game babble, heehee, game game game, writing babble, yes i need this many tags, this helps me cope with the drama around, babble, bzuh?

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