Writing update

May 21, 2011 07:54

I have my next writing project in the works, as that spacebigbang is due in June, and it's time for me to start writing it.

1136 / 10000 (11.36%)

There's my meter - yeah, that expected wordcount may change as I write more, but that's the minimum wordcount I'd like to have when the fic is finished. If it gets longer, well, it gets longer. :P

As a reminder: this is a Supernatural fic, with Startopia providing a setting. No, you don't need to be familiar with Startopia to get my fic. The central characters are Dean and Gabriel, and it'll probably turn into Dean/Gabriel eventually.

Dean is Gabriel's hired bodyguard, they're on the run from Gabriel's past, and Gabriel's not entirely human. (I ditched my AI idea for Gabriel from earlier, see. No, Gabriel's not a cyborg or robot either.)

And the first 1k so far has been them bickering. ^^;; I'm not entirely surprised?

Either way: this feels like a mini-NaNo and I am enjoying having a challenge again!

wooooooo, awesome!, turning fishes into wishes, writing babble, babble, funfun!

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