Extended status report on me and my writing

May 18, 2011 04:35

Hey, folks. Here's a general status report on me and my writing.

First off, I think I may write some introspective blogposts fairly soonish, depending on how my time goes, as I've been feeling like I need to ramble on about the past year and whatnot. So there's a warning.

How I'm doing: generally well, continuing my ongoing struggle with RL and growing up - I don't want to talk too much about it, as that can easily turn into a minefield of painful things to think about, but it's the ever-present background drama to my online life. Besides that, though, my health is good, I'm getting into a good state of mind for writing (and other internet activities) and overall I feel optimistic. Here's to hoping it lasts. :)

What my writing plans look like, now that the Human AU is done and the five acts meme is over: I was working on this yesterday, to be honest, and I've got something of a plan.

There are five major writing projects I want to complete as soon as I can:

A) Cleaning out my prompt folder. comment_fic and assorted meme prompts that I want to fill I bookmark and stick in it, and I've got well over 300+ prompts in there. I want to whittle this down to about 200+ prompts (let's be realistic here and not aim for all of it at once) and see if I can't finish sorting it as well, so I can open prompts by pairing/genre.
Approx. Length/Timeline: Long. I can't see myself doing this in a day, let alone a week, so this would be more of a longterm project. Certainly never one I focus on exclusively...but I would like to maybe set a quota for myself? For example, get at least five fills done a week? (On the other hand, I'd get lots of little ficlets to post, and I think I'm pretty good at those!)
Interest: A lot. I'd be pleased to get this finished, and I always feel good when I can lower the number of lonely prompts over at c_f. So this project will probably happen regardless of what else I do.

B) One Gabriel/Kali/Raphael fic. It's in the works already, it's going to be a oneshot, and it's got female!Raphael. It's all ravenspear's fault.
Approx. Length/Timeline: Less than a week. I'm about six-hundred words into it, and I think I could be done with it in a few days, less if I get inspired into doing the gruntwork of writing.
Interest: High enough, but I have a feeling that if I let this one sit for a week I'd never get back to it. It's my usual attitude towards oneshots, so I've got to get it done soon so it can see the light of day.

EDIT: B is done, long live B! Fic here!

C) My Gabriel/Dean spacebigbang thing. I haven't started this, but the first draft is due on June 10th, and I think I should get started fairly soon. At least get the ideas sorted out in my head. I guarantee that it'll be a Startopia fusion, but the question is: what position will Dean have in it? I'm breaking away from my initial idea, and thinking that Dean could be more of a bodyguard or bounty-hunter or something action-y...of course, he'd have to deal with Gabriel-the-AI, but there's another question: if Gabriel's an AI, how on earth do I slash them? (as I expect I'd want to write some smut for it ^^;;) I freely admit to planning to steal all sorts of tropes/rule of cool in effect, as it wouldn't be the kind of story that's hard science. And it won't be as wacky as Douglas Adams or Startopia itself - I'm integrating humans into the setting, making it a tad darker, and holycow there's another plot idea...okay, gotta stop rambling here, I'll work this out elsewhere.
Approx. Length/Time: A couple weeks? Maybe more? Either way it's gotta be done by 6/10, and that means you all get it read it in July, come Hell or high water.
Interest: Pretty darn high. I'll have to work on how I write Dean, make sure he's IC for this AU, but every single time I think about it and start plotting, I itch to get started.

D) Well...this used to be D and E, but it's been combined into D. Basically, some original fic plans here. I have plans for an original longfic in the works that I've been contemplating for a long, long time now, and at some point I need to give myself a wordcount goal and a deadline and just get writing. If this goes long enough it might turn into this year's NaNo, but we will see. (For the record? It deals with angels, a long span of time, and I've tried starting it before, but I haven't made myself sit and write until it's done, and it wants to be a long story. So we'll see.)
Approx. Length/Time: At least a month. Could be longer. I'm not sure yet.
Interest: Lots! If I had a convenient excuse to drop all other writing things today (like NaNo!) I'd get to work on it and have fun. Thing is, I'm no good at writing long things without a good motivation/excuse to keep going. Personal failing, and I'm working on it.

E) Four misc. things here: i) That collab with _bluebells that we'll work on eventually. ^_^ ii) Echo Bazaar fic, looking at the cats. I told dragonwhishes I would and never followed through. >.< I need to, even if it drives me nuts to work in that style. iii) J&W/SPN crossover, with angel!Jeeves/human!Bertie and just...yes. For epicycles. iv) Gabriel with glasses AU kinda ficlet thing? Mostly for the mental image.

And that's my writing plan...no guarantees I'll stick to it, but that last letter brings me to a point I wanted to talk about...

When I say I'll do something, I usually follow through with it. I'm just...sometimes I'm absolutely terrible at it, and I feel guilty about it and afraid of bringing it up to the person I said I would do it for and so it gets left unsaid and half-forgotten and I get left with guilt forever after.

I keep doing this to myself. I wince to bring it up, but daily_rsj? I said I'd return to it in a few days. A few months later, and I'm still stressing over it and afraid to bring it up and arggh. I've got a problem, but how do I ask for help? It's the same with a few of the Christmas fics I said I'd write, as some of them just wouldn't happen and I haven't been able to get back to that and argggh.

I keep telling myself that I shouldn't agree to do things, or promise to write things for people without letting them know that if it doesn't work for me, I might need to do something else or something. But I keep doing it and...I go in circles. And the stuff doesn't get written/done.

If I'm done this to you: I am so, so sorry.

I wish I had a way to go back in time and stick tape over my mouth or fingers sometimes, but I...I like doing things for people. I just. *sigh* Sorry.

To wrap up this post, as it's been going on - I'm in a good mood for writing and I have plans and fics to do, so expect fic in the future. IRL I'm doing okay, even if it could be better. Thanks for reading!

mope, think about it, turning fishes into wishes, serious, writing babble, babble

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