Five ficlets, whee!

May 09, 2011 05:30

I've been busy today!

Supernatural, Gabriel/Crowley, human AU, they like to think that they keep doing "this" because they keep getting drunk together, but they're drinking less & less each time

NC-17, PWP, contextless - exactly what it says on the tin.

Supernatural, Castiel/Crowley, making a deal

PG, AU, contextless scene with these two. Warning for a kiss.

Supernatural, Gabriel/Crowley, mpreg!crack - Gabriel is hugely pregnant (again), cranky, bitchy, demanding, & apparently nesting.

Crackfic, PG, exactly what is says on the tin. XD I've been wanting to write this prompt for ages and it's taken me this long to figure out exactly how to do it.

Supernatural, Dean/Castiel, he wants to write poetry on the stubborn man's skin but doesn't know how

NC-17, PWP, tattoo/drawing kink. Castiel painting on Dean, basically. Also a gag.

And last, but not least, a different fandom altogether:

Tony + Bertie, G, fluff

A Bit of Fry and Laurie/Jeeves & Wooster, prompt was 'I like coffee, I like tea...' (also it's a really belated fill, but :P to that, I finally wrote it!)

j&w fic, spn fic, spn:dean/castiel, spn:castiel/crowley, spn:dean, fic, spn:gabriel/crowley, spn:gabriel, j&w:bertie, spn:crowley, abofal:tony, abofal fic, spn:castiel

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