Two ficlets, aka SCORE I AM WRITING AGAIN!

May 02, 2011 05:31

Finally, I have things to post!

Dean/Gabriel - God grants Gabriel a fledgling. He has no idea how to care for it.

A fill for an old commentfic meme over at team_free_love. It's gen and fluffy and I have no idea where it's set, canon-wise. Or where Castiel is. Also the fledgling is a character I've stolen from my rp with jabber_moose.

Supernatural, any angel or demon, “My foothold is tenoned and mortised in granite,/ I laugh at what you call dissolution,/ And I know the amplitude of time” (Whitman)

PG, Uriel-centric character study, set in S4. I'm wrestling with the nature of angels and with Uriel's character again.


(Side Note: I haven't forgotten the meme, I'll do it within a few days. I'm slowly prying myself from IRL issues.)

spn:uriel, spn fic, wooooooo, spn:gabriel, spn:gabriel/dean, spn:dean

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