First off, I had a great time with Mom and a friend in the city at an art show today. It was fun - good art! - and afterwards we stopped by the Barnes & Nobles and I obtained a book on the Myths & Legends of Japan. :D The whole trip was fun, and I got to spend time talking to yet another friend, so that was good.
Second, in the mail my
Raiho plushie arrived, and omg it is so cute. It's the perfect union of geekery and omgsocute-ery! :D He's not a big plushie but he has a cape and eee, I'm v.v. pleased.
Third, I'm going to try some art stuffs as the art show inspired me, and I do have paper and pen (and paints and canvas) so we'll see how that goes. (If anything good happens I'll see about a scanner.)
And yeah. Not much else to report - unless me getting a Yomi-kugutsu (saber type) in my Raidou game is relevant to anyone. (Minor break from Nocturne today as Raidou was calling to me. :D)
One last plot bunny for everyone: Supernatural/Good Omens, Aziraphale +/ Crowley +/ Jimmy <-- how would that even work?