Two ficlets!

Feb 22, 2011 01:33

And once again comment_fic has come to save me from that terrible writer's block! I'm afraid they're both darkfic fills today, but eh, I follow my moods when they come.

Supernatural, Dean and Zachariah or Castiel and Lucifer - 'Temper, temper'

Lucifer/Castiel, post 5x18 AU thing, PG.

Supernatural; Lucifer/Castiel or any demon/Castiel; Heaven's never far from sin / Hell will be your second skin / (Genitorturers, "Razor Cuts")

Lucifer/Castiel, R, darkfic/non-con, not pleasant at all. I liked the format, though, and it's an AU S5 wherein things ended v. poorly for the good guys.

I am doing my best not to vanish into the eeee of video game posts these days, although it's kinda difficult. The Raidou game I've got is making me very very happy, and I'm looking forward to Nocturne a ton and I kinda went and ordered Digital Devil Saga yesterday (so sue me I saw it for a really good price) and yeah. \o/

Also, gosh darnit but I have been taken in by how cute Jack Frosts are. Mine in DS2 is not going to be fused into anything else, except to those Specialty demons that power up its stats because eeeee so cute. <3

(Except perhaps a Raiho if I can get one in the game. >.> We'll see. <3)

spn fic, silly!, video game babble, spn:lucifer, fic, snorksnorksnork, spn:castiel, spn:lucifer/castiel

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