Title: The Gift of Annoyance.
Fandom: Supernatural.
Rating: G.
Warnings: None.
Pairings/Characters: Gabriel + Dean.
Word Count: 173 words.
Summary: Gabriel gets a great Christmas gift.
Note: This is the ninth of my Christmas gift fics, and this one is a specific present to
unavoidedcrisis, who wanted Gabriel & remote controlled toy of some sort.
It's pure silliness, and sure, pagan deities can give each other gifts on Christmas, why not?
A small car drove between Dean's legs, then zipped around and drove into his foot.
"Hey!" Dean promptly stomped on the car, but instead of a satisfying crunch, the car vanished with the sound of a certain archangel snapping his fingers. "Gabriel!"
A medium-sized car drove in a circle around Dean's legs, beeping as it went, and Dean turned to Gabriel.
"Stop that." The car drove into his foot again. "Gabriel, seriously, stop it."
Gabriel looked at the remote in his hands and gave Dean a serious look. The car beeped.
"This was a gift to me from Vulcan. If you think I'm putting away my Christmas gift because it's annoying you, you've got another think coming."
The car beeped again and drove into Dean's ankle. When Dean tried to step on it again, it vanished, reappearing elsewhere.
Gabriel gave Dean another stern look and raised his fingers menacingly.
Dean glared at Gabriel for a moment, then gave up and stomped out of the room, muttering cruel things about Christmas spirit and goodwill.