Two ficlets. Technically fics?

Oct 27, 2010 18:11

Both of these were for comment_fic, both are about 1k words long, and I started both a few days ago. It's good to have them done. :D

Supernatural, Sam/Gabriel. Sam Fell a long time ago. Gabriel has been searching.

PGish AU that's got lots of me doing research and speculating. I hope it's enjoyable. :)

Any; any; "With silver nails my soul to a star was bound." (The Star by Karin Boye.)

Supernatural/Angel Sanctuary, Lucifer/Castiel/Belial, NC-17, PWP. This is unashamed PWP, and rather dark, but listen, it has Lucifer in it. He's hard to do fluff with and keep IC. So. Yes. PWP for ravenspear.

I finished collecting and reading all twenty volumes of Angel Sanctuary today! I started collecting it more than a few years ago, and it's the first 10+ volume series I have finished collecting, so: \o/

I'm pleased to say that the ending was good (and mostly happy!) and that my favorite characters survived. (Most of them, anyways.)

If you ever have access to the series and time to read it, I would recommend it. It is absolutely insane, but it's Kaori Yuki. That should explain everything. But to digress, it's a neat story, has a ton of original and neat ideas, and the art is lovely. (And the art improves as it goes along, too.)

At the very least I guarantee that it will be unlike any other manga you've read, and that's got to be worth something. ;)

spn fic, spn:sam, spn:lucifer, spn:castiel/belial, spn:gabriel/sam, fic, spn:gabriel, spn needs moar angel sanctuary, spn:lucifer/castiel, spn:castiel

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