I should write a cookbook, or, angelcats!

Oct 01, 2010 00:04

A Recipe for Making Everything Better

2 Angels (Arch or otherwise)
1 Witch's Spell
A sense of humor
Holy Oil & Match (Optional, in case the angels aren't cooperating)
Kitty Treats (Optional, but it helps win them over)


1) Coerce Witch into providing Spell. I suggest using the formula made available below. Also suggest that it would be hilarious to see. Request a clause that prevents the Angels from using their powers on you in retaliation during the Spell's duration. Also specify that the spell must be temporary, and must wear off in several days.

2) Find Angels. This may be difficult depending on your circumstances. I personally recommend finding the Hunters known as the Winchesters, as they often have angels following them, or attacking them, or irritating them, or any variant on the above.

3) Apply Witch's Spell to Angels. This is the step to use the Holy Oil & Match if they are protesting the use of this spell. Create a ring on the floor with the oil, trick the angels into it, and light it on fire. They will now hold still long enough for the spell to work. (Use fire extinguishers to remove the fire when the spell has settled.)

4) If the Spell obtained worked properly, you will have two cats that resemble the angels they once were, and will be again.

5) Offer the kitty treats, and be careful so you aren't clawed. Also move the kitties to a safe and comfortable environment.

6) Observe. Possibly indulge in petting. Definitely take photographs.

7) Prepare to flee for your life when the spell's time limit approaches.

Notes: If the spell turned them into, say, turtles, I suggest finding another witch and making sure they understand this equation: When angels = cats, they are adorable.

Sunbeams are handy to have for the angelcats.

As are Winchesters, in case you chose to use their angels. Be careful, as the Winchesters are dangerous.


weirdweirdweird, silly!, joy, heehee, squee, snorksnorksnork, funfun!

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