Self, bad.

Apr 26, 2010 11:34

*sigh* I'm supposed to be doing homework.

So I left a prompt at comment_fic.

Supernatural, Gabriel, so God worked some magic in the resurrection, and now Gabriel's a duck while his body restores itself

And then I did some quick 'how would it go...'


Gabriel: ...Dad?
God: I'm bringing you back, kiddo. Thing is, you've gone and done funny things to your essence, so it'll take time. *wink* So you get to be a duck while I sort you out. Go bug the Winchesters and put out forest fires.
Gabriel: Hey, that was one of my better jokes!
God: Then don't get put out by an elephant. Shoo. *magic fingers*
Gabriel: ...quack? *eyes Winchesters*
Dean: What the hell?
Gabriel: *is on the backseat of the Impala. Lovely Mallard plumage.* Quack.
Dean: Dude, what the hell?

I hope that whenever my prompt is filled that it's fun. Yes.

Okay, back to homework. *pokes it*

ficlets, silly!, babble, snorksnorksnork, funfun!

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