Chickadee, The Sequel!

Feb 08, 2010 14:26

Yes, I know, the first post I make in a while, and it's just because I fed the birds again, and a chickadee ate from my hand. Still, life has its miracles, and that was the one I needed today.

I dislike writing about how difficult life is for me in here, as it's nowhere near as bad as it is for a lot of people - I have food, clothes and shelter, so I'm rich already. School is hard, though, and I'm struggling. (Not academically, but more...mental health stamina-wise.)

Anyhoo. Video games are a great way to take a mental vacation these days, and Odin Sphere is charming me enough to have me use icons. (See current icon, for instance.)

I have been wanting to write, and I've actually got a fic kind of in progress, but again, school saps energy, and I need energy to be creative. (It is nice to be writing Tony and Control again, though, as the classic polite conversations they have sooth me.)

My Mom says this might be a seasonal thing, and I agree, so perhaps when I hit spring and summer I'll be myself again. I mean, didn't I go through this last year?

I hope everyone's well, and that I'm not missing too much.

letter from the hermit, game game game, birds!, babble

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