Startopia is the bestest thing ever and so is my Dad! (sometimes)

Dec 27, 2009 19:30

Startopia works! I can reacquaint myself with my favorite fictional aliens again! *twirls*

[topic change]

When my bookstore gets it in, I'll have Wraeththu by Storm Constantine in my hands! That reminds me - need to finish Killing Tender Prey, as I was distracted by some shiny library books.

I did get Wreck This Journal, which is absolutely fun.

Yes, I've already spilled coffee on it, punched holes in it with a pencil, and doodled all over it. On purpose. Because it told me to. XD

[topic change]

Nippon Ichi game checklist:

[YAY] La Pucelle
[YAY] Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
[YAY] Phantom Brave
[it's coming!] Makai Kingdom
[ ] Disgaea 2
[ ] Soul Nomad and the World Eaters
[ ] Disgaea 3 (prolly not gonna get for a long time, due to it being a PS3 game and I don't have the money to get a PS3)

I'm moving up, yes indeedy. *does a little dance*

celebration, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, game game game, daily experiment, funfun!

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