Other Excellent Yuletide Fics

Dec 25, 2009 07:16

This list will be updated as I read through the lot of brilliance. ^^

A Bit of Fry and Laurie has this gem of a Tony/Control fic:

'Not exactly.' Control took a breath. 'Tony, do you recall article number IX, subsection 8, paragraph 12 of the Secret Service code of conduct?'

'Yes, I believe I do,' Tony said, confident in his knowledge of British Intelligence rules and regulations. 'Isn't it that the one that states that office supplies used on official, unofficial, or covert business must be purchased solely from British manufacturers with primary operations located on British soil, no matter that they cost five times as much as office supplies purchased overseas and are a third of the quality?'

'Close, but I believe what you're thinking of is article V, subsection 2, paragraph 9. No, article XI, subsection 8, paragraph 12 is the one that states that no employee of the British Secret Service may engage in a personal relationship including dating, shared living accommodations, and engaging in intimate or sex-ual relations with another employee of the Secret Service,' Control recited, pausing a little bit at 'sexual' as he did. Tony mulled over the rule.

- Love, Larks, and Lotion.

...Meta? Um. aha! * Anthropomorphic Web 2.0

The summary explains it best: The romantic adventures of Fandom, LJ, and Dreamwidth, as told to Fandom's BFFs, Porn and Meta.

- The Magical Healing Power of Threesomes.

Calvin & Hobbes.

It's like I went back in time and found some hidden storyline of Calvin and Hobbes comic strips hidden in the original creator's closet!

The Laser-Toothed Tiger didn't need oxygen, and its terrible roar would echo through the perilous sonic mountain ranges, distracting the aliens and allowing Spiff the freedom to complete his mission.

The freedom to complete his dangerous and daring mission.

(Spiff had to remember these details for his memoirs.)

- Spaceman Spiff Goes to Chirrutzz!


Ye gods, LOLCATS fic with a plot. AND IT WORKS.

"HOW AI GETZ HERE?" He asked them.

"UR DED," said an orange tabby unhelpfully.

"BUT I R BASEMENT CAT," Basement Cat said. "DIS B HEAVEN."

"UR DED," the tabby repeated.

- The Cheezburger Run in the Sky.

yuletide, fic rec, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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