utterlystrange read
this post and she decided to write more LJ posts.
I, having an insistent inner lemming, will of course follow her off a cliff. And hey, writing. More writing is good.
So do not be surprised if you get a post every day for the next while! I am trying to follow and work on writing and if I can stick drabbles or ficlets or snippets or even parts of my NaNo notes or novel into this endeavor, then I will!
So! Lessee if I can go for a week like this without error! And if I miss a day, I want to get back up and write another entry the next day so I don't fall off the horse.
Topic change time!
I beat Final Fantasy X! Yes, I cried at the ending because wow. It was fitting and I really like how they've shown Yuna growing throughout the story. I also was able to summarize my reaction to Tidus now that I've played all of it.
Tidus, in my opinion, has gone from slightly annoying to awesome to my god you idiot/embarassing to slightly irritating to good and back again. At the end he was getting to the annoying up the wazoo bit, but the ending...well. After we hit the gorgeous end cutscenes (after we see Besaid) he went back to awesome again.
Also, President-style Yuna made me smile. I hope that future public announcements in Spira involve speeches in the blitzball arena. Yes? Yes!
I do have Final Fantasy X-2 to play, but I want a break between that ending and the new game. It's just...yeah.
Topic change time!
I'm thinking my NaNoWriMo novel is going to be the Control in an asylum one, as I really am figuring out how it can go. The use of mirrors will be included, and I can plot while I work on it.
But then I don't want to give up on my Oceans/Seas story quite yet...maybe I should write about that world and develop it with snippets and drabbles while doing this write in my LJ every day thing? That might help me keep from boring you all with 'RL blah blah blah' stuff.
One last thing. I hope you all are well, and if I start going on about video games too much, tell me. I can tone it down. ^^;;