
May 02, 2009 12:04

Title: Ficlets.
Pairing: Various.
Summary: Various unconnected ficlets of fun.
Rating: G, at most a PG.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
jestana is the best poker ever. Thanks!


Bingo sighed into his drink, studiously ignoring the presence of his long-time beloved at his side. It wasn't often that he ignored any of his loves at his side, but this was one love that he wasn't ready to give the moon and stars to.

No, he had moved past that point. He had tried to give everything to Bertie, but he had been refused. That was in the past, however, and now things were different, or so he wanted to believe.

Bingo closed his eyes, miserable. He might have had a chance with Bertie a few months ago, but he had chosen to wait, and then Bertie's sun and stars had entered his life. Jeeves.

Bingo couldn't decide. Was he happy that Bertie was utterly besotted with his valet, or was he infuriated?

Either way, he was miserable.


Friedrich von Stoltz talks to Bertie.


"How on earth did you manage to get away from him for more than five minutes?" Bertie said by way of greeting, grinning.

Friedrich only hmmphed and let himself in. "And where is Jeeves?"

Bertie's smile faltered for a moment, then he shrugged. "Probably off counseling Eric."

"Ah...that would explain your new tie."

While domestic issues had mostly been smoothed over by now, there was still the occasional rumble over ties and whatnot. Bertie and Jeeves were used to these, however, and Jeeves would take a short vacation to give them both a breather.

Bertie touched his new gold-and-silver-striped tie briefly, smiling. "He'll come back."

"Yes, he will." Friedrich said. "As I will return to Herr Donaldson."

Bertie nodded, smiling again. "I have drinks, if you want one in the meantime..."

"Yes, please."


Control and Major Donaldson meet.


Control tipped his hat to Mr von Stoltz and nodded to the man next to him before pausing.

"Excuse me..." He said. "Uncle Eric?"

"Oh! Control!" Major Eric Donaldson grinned and stopped oogling Friedrich von Stoltz's rear to greet Control. "How have you been?"

"I have been well, Uncle. I see you are still well. How are things at home?"

"Just peachy, Control." Eric grinned. "My darling muffinbun doesn't know how to make proper scones, so I'm teaching him."

Out of the corner of his eye, Control saw Friedrich scowl, causing both uncle and nephew to smile. Friedrich was always irritable, but that was a trait Control knew his Uncle loved.

"I was about to go home, but I'm sure I could hold that off to talk to you two...would you like to have dinner with me?"

"We'd love to - but I'm afraid we're a bit busy already. Top secret mission and all, you know." Eric winked, and Control smiled.

"I do know - the file is in my office, after all." Control said.

"Then you know how busy we are. Take a rain check, mm?"

Control nodded, pleased, and left.


Control/Tony, Damn


Control was typing away, finishing reports and fielding phone calls, all while worrying over one mission in particular. It had been a long time since Tony Murchison had been in the field, and despite the special circumstances of this mission, Control was worried.

Control had been told by his brother that he worried too much, but he thought it was certainly justified in this case.

Honestly, sending Tony to West Berlin? That was something to worry about, he thought.

The phone rang, and he stopped typing to pick it up.

"Control's office."

"Ah, good morning, Control," Tony Murchison said. His voice sounded ragged, but that could be explained by knowing that Tony had probably spent at least a week speaking German to everyone.

Control blinked and smiled. "Good morning, Tony. Is it eleven 'o clock already?"

"Yes, Control." They had agreed to use their eleven 'o clock meetings as useful phone calls once a week. "I just wanted to tell you how terribly I missed you, and that I hoped you were doing well. Has Valerie been bringing you your coffee?"

"Yes, she has, Tony. Although I must say it isn't quite up to your usual standards, you did teach her well."

Both shared a smile, unseen across the distance, and then Tony spoke again.

"Mr von Stoltz has been quite a pleasant travel companion, Control. I'm pleased to say that our meetings here have gone well, and that we should be home in a few days."

"That is a relief, Tony. I will make certain to thank Mr von Stoltz went you both return."

A small silence before there was the sound of a loud German obscenity over the phone. Control could almost hear Tony's wince.

"I am sorry, Control," Tony apologized immediately. "Mr Donaldson has been calling us hourly to check on Mr von Stoltz. I suppose I should go and ask him to wait a few more days before his next call."

"Yes, I suppose you should."

"Good bye, Control."

"Good bye, Tony."

Another silent smile, and then they hung up.

Control looked at his typewriter, smiling, and reached for his coffee.


General Melchett/Georgina "Bravo!"


"You don't have to hide from me, you gorgeous thing..."

Georgina blushed, pleased but nervous. Oh, but he had to. If the General discovered who he was...

"Really!" The General kissed Georgina's gloved fingertips, the ultimate in courtesy up until he delivered a leer that only made Georgina's blush worse.

She wasn't saying a thing, no matter what he did. She wasn't going to ruin this.

"Who are you?" The General asked. "Please, darling, I must know..."

Georgina shook her head, scared. Fortunately, the music ended there, and they were required to stand and applaud the performers.

So they did, with the General calling 'Bravo!' at every singer, and Georgina wondered how much longer this magical night could last.


ficlets, fic

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