A long update. Get ready for AWESOMENESS.

Mar 06, 2009 00:31

What have I been up to?

I failed at math in elementary school. I failed at math in middle school. Heck, I failed at math in high school. Guess what? In college, I STILL FAIL AT MATH LYKE WHOAZ. D:

Since turning 21, the sky's been the limit for me as I go out in The Beach with my minionsfriends.

Best Friend is coming tomorrow. Huzzah for pizza, books, and clubbing!

I've been adopted as a couple's pet. It's fairly TMI, but oh-so fun to traumatize pplz with. x3


The word of the week: CONDENSING. Preparing to move into Nova's/Blake's apartment on April 1st!

Belly button piercing is healing nicely. It's still healing due to an accident involving me, Blake, and pillows. <.< Don't ask.

I've decided that my art history professor at TCC was related to me in a past life. NEW FAVORITE WORD: Titilate.

Awesome techno is awesome! Check him out: DJ Magoo!

Oh hay, I'm 130 lbs. again! And I can fit into my jeans from Japan again, too. 8D

I has a boy, he's in the Marines, and he's coming to Quantico in April, woo~

I can write an entire, "You know you play too much WoW when..." list. u.u FOR SHAME!!

Fun clothes shopping is fun. Where did all my bright colors go? D:

AGH, COCKROACHES! Getthemaway!

Oh hay thar, neglected Ell-jay. 8D
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