Jan 08, 2005 12:55
so, i'm at the swim meet today, right?
swam all my events, read all my times up until my last two events.
i get done with my last event, grab my towel, go find my mom and tell her thanks for coming and all that. went, talked to my sis for a minute. got back and went DIRECTLY to look at my times.
guess what? Libby munson (aka: the devil, el diablo, satan, lucifer, bringer of light... etc...) was taking down all the split times. no big deal, she had only taken down one and that was still in her hand. i ask her very calmly, politely, nicely, kindly, (whatever you want to call it, but it was in a VERY nice tone) "could i please see that sheet?" i figure, yeah, why wouldnt you let the ACTUAL PERSON THAT SWAM THE MEET (this female dog is just a manager, aka: she sits on her butt and makes her college applications look better by doing so.) see HIS times?... so, let's guess how she replies:
the sheet being literally an inch away from me being able to see it, is then pulled towards her chest and she yells, in the most condescending way possible, "no, you had enough time". kind of angry, i tell her the whole story, and she does the same thing, but with the ONLY OTHER SHEET I NEEDED TO SEE. this goes on for about five minutes
how would you respond?
if your name is jessica rager, then you are probably the only person reading this that wouldnt have cussed her out. so i expressed my human emotion of anger, the type of anger that makes you want to throw someone against a piece of broken glass and take the closest blunt object and thrust it at her head 50 times, by cussing at her.
she tells this to the winner's commitee (aka: the discipline council of swim team) and now i have to go and get punished for some girl being a female dog... argh...
yeah, ok, i'm done ranting...