This weekend...

Dec 05, 2004 21:26

Friday: Yeah, so, first, my parents went to miami. They left at 6 am. that was pretty cool, got some non-nagged time. I went over to warren's house after school and worked on a project and messed with his bike. I got home and then left again and went to the mall with seth and sam. I managed to earn an *EASY* 20 cool points. Then i saw mellisa, Holli, and Jason and talked to them. Decided to go see national treasure and saw them all again. yeah, went down and my sister picked me up. I got to rock springs road and remembered that i left my swim bag in my locker. I broke into the school at 1030 and snuck (sam fisher style, of course) past all the alarms and crap, and hijacked the bag outta my locker. went home. went to sleep.

Saturday: got up at 6, got ready, went to swim meet. I HAD TO SWIM A FREAKING 500 (aka, 20 laps)! That, almost literally, kills. I got pretty good other times considering that was my first event. yeah, got home, stayed there for like 30 mins, and left for lunch with me, my sis, and her b/f. yeah, we then went to the mall and i met scott. we saw national treasure (yes, i saw it two days in a row. man, i was bored.) Then my sis picked me up and took me over to see the nutcracker, all jazzed up. i hung out with seth, tala, em b, Josh, and libby (i think that's her name????) yeah. court was great. i got home, and my parents were back. then, i went to sleep.

Today: I slept in, and then decided "hey, i wanna goto networks." (<-- for those of you who dont know, it's an internet cafe/ gaming cafe, type-thing.) i picked up skov and we went. I drank bawls :-D. you have no idea how happy that makes me. we played Lan for like an hour then hung out and talked about nerdy stuff...

Yeah, it made me sad, i didnt get to see jess all weekend. i barely even got to talk to her. :-/... i'm excited about tomorrow though, i get to see her :-D... yeah, hopefully the whole not being able to see her, talk to her, or communicate with her in any way, will work itself out...

Ok, more info about guy's day.
- ok, still dec. 20th.
- Still going to Fry's.
- after fry's going to Networks for a couple hours. (more info goto here.)

ok, other than that, we need people to give us rides- there, back, to discover mills, w/e.

I Need Help:
- i am building a trebuchet for JCL. I need people to help me with it.
- i am also wanting to finish off my Science Fair project (not for science fair, but for fun). Ben and I built a coil gun (an electromagnetic gun) for our project, but it only shot 9 inches. (then again, we had no capacitor and only 36 volts.) I want to make a second one, same idea, with a high voltage capacitor (like, as high as they come). It *SHOULD* (in theory that is) be able to be made powerful enough to shoot a bb the same (or better) than a bb gun... yeah, so, if you want to help me, let me know. (yeah, ok, i'm a nerd, idc.)

yeah. that's it.

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