Apr 24, 2004 13:45
Where do I start?
I’ve started to actually hang out with some people, which is a step up from that relatively long bout of remote desperation; there’s a few now that I can consider comrades, and a few more that just basically tolerate my dumbassedness, they’re a pretty good bunch.
I was addicted to Halo for a couple weeks; the guys on the floor were into and I figured I’d give it a try, ended up devoting like seven hours a day to the game until they started excluding me from the games due to the fact that I really do suck at it.
I’ve also been losing out on a lot of sleep lately; I’ve been getting to sleep later, taking longer to fall asleep, and waking up more during the night; I’ve only been getting about five hours on a normal night, which is not good, considering I generally need like ten to function; I’ve been half fucked-up like every day for the past week or so; it’s partly my own fault I guess…
Also, the end of the semester is coming close, and finals may or may not be kicking my ass; I hope that they do not kick my ass. Two more weeks, and I’m out of the hell that is Stockton, and enter a new hell where I’m subjected to parental bickering and average fifty hours a week at Wawa. Summer will be fun!