Apr 13, 2007 11:38
Since nobody else is gonna take it, and I know a couple people who took the test but didn't want to register for whatever reason, I'll go ahead and post all the answers here. Mostly because I'm bored and have nothing else to do.
Current favorite Anime/Manga?
- Naruto
- Bleach
- Getbackers
Correct answer: Bleach. Ok, I know it was tricky that I asked about favorite anime, then asked about Naruto (one of the answers) in the next question, but that was the point! >.>
Favorite Naruto character?
- Naruto, obv.
- Emo-King Sasuke
- Shika-fuckin-maru
- Kakakakaakakaakashi
Correct answer: Shikamaru! Of course! Some people did guess "emo-king" =/ Noo no no nono. Shikamaru is fucking awesome.
What finished downloading as I was trying to think up this question?
- Bleach Chapter 269
- pr0n
- 50 Cent - PIMP.mp3
- l337 hax games
Correct answer: Bleach Chapter 269! I figured if I was uber-specific, you guys would get it. And why would I openly put out there "p0rn" ?? And why would I be making a survey while downloading porn? Come ooooon.
Which card game do I not play?
- Magic: The Gathering
- Poker
- World of Warcrack
Correct Answer: I think everyone got this one. Of course the only one that I make fun of is the one I don't play!
Where do I live?
- Houston, TX
- Orlando, Florida
- Navarre, Florida
Correct Answer: Navarre. I figured I'd give you guys an easy-one :P
What \"smiley\" do I use most?
- >.>
- ^_^
- XD
- =P
Correct answer: >.> Now, it used to be =P, cause I'd use the "stick out the tongue" all the time! But lately I've been feeling very shifty-eyed. So lately that is what I use most.
If I got a lot of money, what line from Metalocalypse would I do?
- Gives myselfs a solid gold telephones!
- Give myshelf a buncha boatesh.
Correct answer: A buncha boatesh! This is just from a scene from Metalocalypse, and I happen to say the second choice a whole lot, cause it makes me giggle.
I\'ve attempted to learn how to play a bunch of instruments over the years. Which one do i actually know how to play very well?
- Tuba
- Piano
- Guitar Incorrect
- Drums
Correct answer: Now, I guess most people don't see me as the Piano type. I had quite a few people tell me that didn't think I was the "type" to play the Piano. Well, I don't know about that, but out of all of those, i only know how to play two. And if you ever heard me attempt to play the guitar, you'd know the answer was Piano.
Who is my favorite original character that I\'ve roleplayed as?
- Hourensou - DBZ
- Ares - X Men
- Zeke - Generic / Bleach
- Chusica Zekara - Naruto
Correct Answer: Zeke! Lawl. Truthfully, unless I've talked to you about Role-playing, you might not know this...but come on! I go as Zeke on the internets! >.>
How sexy is Zeke?
- Uncontrollably
- Undeniable
- Un-ignorably
- All the above ;)
Correct answer: This was an obvious one, but not necessarily one that anybody could answer truthfully.
Well, that's all folks! This didn't entertain me as much as I had hoped for >.>