May 08, 2005 20:33
Sorry to all you cyber ghosts who actualy read this filk been many moons since i've updated this. One BIG issue thats (to quote a british satire) got my tits, is there are several twits out there suggesting all the people in the "furry/furrie" subculture are debautched, twisted, immoral individuals and now some twit is accusing all of us apart of the "sub culture", in full or part, as being pediophiles etc. NEWSFLASH Nimrod... well nimrod isn't a good word (bad surword/slang) he was a hunter from old... dunkoff yea that suffices, you take a large enough slice of any part of the human populous your gonna find weirdo's, sickos, and those afront to all that is good and pure. To associate a whole category of people (in this case a large one and international) as one thing is stereotyping and very much akin to the racism those of affrican decent have faced and still face today. To think that someone associates me with such sick and wrong behavior is offensive and quite irritating. In a broad snese its people who like drawing/writing/rping/collecting or just enjoy anthropomorphic art in what ever form it occurs: litterary graphic plushie or RP gamming (yes there are pornographic versions known as yiff/yiffy But they are a sub part of a far larger whole and most restric access to non adults and are careful in that regard).
On a better note. I have a commision of sorts to draw for an imm on a mud I play for a mud he's making. (ip: port 4000 for those that want to try it. I use my typical online name there Bojik. Its a mostly friendly place so come on in :D. i'll give ya a hand figuring it out. I'm on fairly often. (its not the mud in progress but the one i play)
Things around home are still odd. even after this long without moms astrainged husband. Still not sure what i think of his family never where much of a family. I have decided one thing though I have no family jsut a bunch of relatives i realy don't want anything to do with. (shrugs) All in all its not particularly that different around here...which I guess in itself is pathetic and sad to state. The only things that realy changed is mom and i eat less than he did so its kinda hard cooking for us 2..We can eat a lot more variety of things which is a good thing. I have to help with bills a lil differently than i had been, (shrugs) doesn't bother me. An annoying effect of the issue. The cats are home alone most of the day, sooo when someone gets home they are horribly attention starved and quite intent on getting it. He's trying to be buddy buddy still and keeps saying it was all his fault he never gave her the chance to be his friend or realy get to now her. BLAH BLAH saying it was all his fault he's never been happy but he thinks he is now... Its insulting to think the twit ran off with a woman thats homly swears and drinks like a sailor has medical problems etc when he had a good loving wife at home... At least the freak knows his problem is him and his attempt to do his own thing and still serve God... a man can't have two masters....
I finally got over that ear infection that had been making me feel uber bleh lately. yay! Hadn't been feeling well a lot lately which is highly unusual for me.... either had a cold + ear infection or ear infection stress related or other whise or wisdom teeth cutting WHICH I HAD REMOVED ONCE.... go figure i'm part shark or something LOL. OH and cases of the fuckits ,as longtail would put it, on the side. 'specialy around my birthday which was april 19. I jsut have too much time to think and it reminds me how long life has gone nowhere or sucked etc.... at least God hath not forsaken me.
Well a lil while back i mentioned to my friend at work (yea the girl i like) how i felt. Not exactly sure its reciprocated, but yea. She's a good friend and all but i don't have a clue..... I seem to have decent neck muscles to hold up this much granit heh... She was taken off guard by it but didn't seem to adverse to it.. (wasn't expecting it i spose) she said she had a trust problem and not too long ago she got out of an abusive relation ship where the dick head hit her. And she needed to take things slow and what not. (later I apologised and told her later i didn't mena to make her uncomfortable and what not. She basicaly said i didn't she was just taken off guard.. and i expressed to her how i felt about hte basterd who hit her. That any guy that hits a girl is worse than the grime they scrape off the barrells to load out trucks at the warehouse...well they scarpe the barrells so much they aint getting grime anymore they getting barrell... she said that was a bad image (They load our frigt quite badly... she seemed to understand at least) We are decent friends and such but I haven't a clue if more will become of it. Told her more but nyah you cyber ghosts ain't privy to that ;).
Well it appears my cars mass airflow is about to kill over.... not thrilled about this because volkswagen parts went up not too long ago so its not $350 anyoe, but more like $420+ for that dealer only part... with something like an $80 something core deposit......Oh Joygasim o even get the part entails at least 30 minutes at 75 mph to get to the nearest dealer almost an hour for the bigger next nearest in bosie idaho go there to messa around all day on occasion sorta trying to put it off till then....
Well today its mothersday we went and saw hitchikers guide to the galaxy it was quite good... too bad they had to cut a lot out of it to fit in the normal time constraints of movies... But it was still enjoyable to go to.
Well thats enough of my babble for today... nite cyber ghosts who read these sorta things when the rest of the net bores...